Saturday 26 August 2017

Learn Joomla - CMS

Joomla Overview

Joomla is an open source Content Management System (CMS), which is used to build websites and online applications. It is free and extendable which is separated into front-end and back-end templates (administrator). Joomla is developed using PHP, Object Oriented Programming, software design patterns and MySQL (used for storing the data).

What is Content Management System (CMS)?

The Content Management System (CMS) is a software which keeps track of the entire data (such as text, photos, music, document, etc.) which will be available on your website. It helps in editing, publishing and modifying the content of the website.


Joomla is based on Mambo CMS which was developed by an Australian company in 2001 and initially released on August 17, 2005. The official version of Joomla 1.0 was released on September 22, 2005.


Joomla has its own powerful built-in features (core features).
Joomla Features
  • User Manager − It allows managing the user information such as permission to edit, access, publish, create or delete the user, change the password and languages. The main part of the user manager is Authentication.
  • Content Manager − It allows managing the content using WYSIWYG editor to create or edit the content in a very simple way.
  • Banner Manager − It is used to add or edit the banners on the website.
  • Template Manager − It manages the designs that are used on the website. The templates can be implemented without changing the content structure within a few seconds.
  • Media Manager − It is the tool for managing the media files and folder in which you can easily upload, organize and manage your media files into your article editor tool.
  • Contact Manager − It allows to add contacts, managing the contact information of the particular users.
  • Web Link Manager − The link resource is provided for user of the site and can be sorted into categories.
  • Search − It allows users to search the appropriate information on the site. You can use smart indexing, advanced search options, auto suggest searches to make Joomla search best.
  • Menu Manager − It allows to create menus and menu items and can be managed subsequently. You can put menu in any style and in multiple places.
  • RSS − It stands for Really Simple syndication which helps your site contents and RSS files to be automatically updated.


  • It is an open source platform and available for free.
  • Joomla is designed to be easy to install and set up even if you're not an advanced user.
  • Since Joomla is so easy to use, as a web designer or developer, you can quickly build sites for your clients. With minimal instructions to the clients, clients can easily manage their sites on their own.
  • It is very easy to edit the content as it uses WYSIWYG editor (What You See IWhat You Get is a user interface that allows the user to directly manipulate the layout of the document without having a layout command).
  • It ensures the safety of data content and doesn't allow anyone to edit the data.
  • By default, Joomla is compatible with all browsers.
  • The templates are very flexible to use.
  • Media files can be uploaded easily in the article editor tool.
  • Provides easy menu creation tool.


  • It gives compatibility problem while installing several modules, extensions and plugins simultaneously.
  • Plugins and modules are not free in Joomla.
  • Development is too difficult to handle when you want to change the layout.
  • Joomla is not much SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly.
  • It makes website heavy to load and run.

Real World Examples of What Joomla Can Create?

  • Corporate web sites or portals
  • Corporate intranets and extranets
  • Online magazines, newspapers, and publications
  • E-commerce and online reservations
  • Government applications
  • Small business web sites
  • Non-profit and organizational web sites
  • Community-based portals
  • School and religious web sites
  • Personal or family homepages

Joomla - Installation

System Requirements for Joomla 3.x

  • Database − MySQL 5.1 +
  • Web Server −
    • WAMP (Windows)
    • LAMP (Linux)
    • XAMP (Multi-platform)
    • MAMP (Macintosh)
    • Nginx
    • Microsoft IIS
  • Operating System − Cross-platform
  • Browser Support − IE (Internet Explorer 7), Firefox, Google chrome
  • SSL (Secure Socket Layer) − A valid security certificate is required for HTTPS
  • PHP Compatibility − PHP 5.4+ or PHP 5.3.10+

Download Joomla

When you open the link, you will get to see a screen as below −
joomla Setup
Download the Joomla zip file from the official site or if you want to update the files of your previous version, then click on Upgrade Package option.

Create Store Database

  • Joomla requires MySQL database. So create a new empty database and user/password (for e.g. User as "root" and password as "root" or else you can set as per your convenience) for Joomla.
  • After following the above step, you can continue with the installation process.

SetUp Wizard

It's very easy to set up Joomla into your system. The following steps describe how to setup Joomla locally on your system.
Step (1) − Extract the downloaded Joomla folder and upload it on your web server or localhost.
Step (2) − Open your browser and navigate to your Joomla file path, then you will get the first screen of the Joomla installer as shown in the following screen. In our case the path is localhost/< Your_joomla_folder >.
joomla Setup
It contains the following fields −
  • Site Name − Enter the name of the site which you are going to create in Joomla.
  • Description − Add a small description about your site.
  • Admin Email − Enter your email address which helps to recover our password or any update.
  • Admin Username − Enter the username as per your choice while logging into Joomla.
  • Admin Password − Enter password to protect your site.
  • Site Offline − It specifies whether your site should be offline or online after completion of installation by clicking on Yes/No.
After filling all the information, click on the Next button.
Step (3) − Here, you have to enter the information about the MYSQL database as seen in the screen below.
joomla Setup
  • Database Type − Select your database type. By default it will be MySQLi.
  • Host Name − Write the host name by default it will be localhost.
  • Username − Enter the user name of your MySQL database.
  • Password − Enter the password which you had set for MySQL Database.
  • Database Name − Enter the database name which you have created in MySQL database for Joomla.
  • Table Prefix − It is used to add prefix in the database tables which helps to run multiple sites on the same database. It takes the default value.
  • Old Database Process − It gives two options Backup or Remove. If you had already created a database then you can either remove it or select the backup option to create a backup of your whole database information.
After filling all information, click on Next button.
Step (4) − In this step, you will be on last page of the installation process.
joomla Setup
Here you can view all the information added to Joomla.
Choose Default English (GB) Sample Data as an example to build your website and click on Install button.
Step (5) − Next, you can see that Joomla starts the installation process on your machine.
joomla Setup
Step (6) − After a few minutes, after installation is successful and you will get a screen of the Joomla web installer as shown below.
joomla Setup
Next, click on the "Remove installation folder" button which will help you to protect your site, so that no other person can re-install your site.
Note − If your installation gets stuck and does not get completed for more than an hour, then do some changes as shown below.
Go to Joomla folder → installation → sql folder → mysql folder Open joomla.sqlfile and find the following term: "ENGINE=InnoDB". Replace this term with "ENGINE=MyIsam" and save the file.
Before MySQL 5.5.5, MyISAM is the default storage engine. (The default was changed to InnoDB in MySQL 5.5.5.)
Then your installation will begin.

Admin Panel

After installing Joomla you are able to login to your Joomla Admin Panel as described below −
Step (1) − To access Joomla administrative panel, open the browser and type the URL as http://localhost/ < Your_joomla_folder >/administrator/index.php, then you will get the screen as shown below −
joomla Setup
Step (2) − Enter the username and password which you had mentioned during installation as shown in the step 3 of Set Up Wizard section and click on the login button.

Joomla - Architecture

Joomla is a Model-View-Controller web application. In this chapter, we are going to discuss about the architectural style of Joomla. The following diagram shows the architecture of Joomla.
joomla Architecture
The architecture of Joomla contains following layers −
  • Database
  • Joomla Framework
  • Components
  • Modules
  • Plugin
  • Templates
  • Web Server
Database − Database is a collection of data and can be stored, manipulated and organized in a particular manner. The database stores the user information, content and many more required data of the site. It is used to store the administrative information to manage the Joomla site. Using Joomla database layer, it ensures maximum flexibility and compatibility for extension.
Joomla Framework − Framework is a collection of open source software, where the Joomla CMS is built. It is developed for more flexibility and breaks the framework into single modular packages which helps each package to develop more easily.
Components − Components are considered as mini applications. It consists of two parts i.e. Administrator and Site. Whenever a page gets loaded, component is been called to render the body of main page. The Administrator part manages different aspects of the component and the site part helps in rendering the pages when request is made by site visitor. Components are main functional unit of Joomla.
Modules − Modules is an extension which is used to render the pages in Joomla. It is also used to display the new data from the component. It frequently looks like boxes such as login module. In Joomla administrator the modules are managed by the module manager. It displays the new content and images when module is linked to Joomla components.
Plugin − This is also a kind of Joomla extension, it is very flexible and powerful for extending the framework. It contains a bit of codes that is used to execute the particular event trigger. It is commonly used to format the output of a component or module when a page is built. The plugin function which are associated with event are executed in a sequence when a particular event occurs.
Templates − Template determines the look of the Joomla website. There are two types of templates used i.e. Front-end and Back-end. The Back-end template is used to control the functions by the administrator where-as the Front-end template is a way to present the website to users. Templates are easy to build or customize your site. It provides maximum flexibility to style your site.
Web Browser − It is a server where the user interacts. It delivers the web pages to the client. The HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is used to communicate between the client and the server.

Joomla - Control Panel

The Control Panel provides default features and functions of Joomla to access through clickable icons, menu bar etc. When you login to the Joomla administrative panel, you will get the screen as shown below. Important icons of control panel and their functions are marked in the following screen −
joomla Control Panel

Article Content

There are four icons under the CONTENT section as shown below −
  • Add New Article − It creates a new article page.
  • Article Manager − It manages all your present articles.
  • Category Manager − It creates new categories and helps in publishing/unpublishing the categories.
  • Media Manager − It manages the files by uploading various new files or deleting the existing ones on your web server.

Structure Format

In STRUCTURE section, there are two groups of icons −
  • Menu Manager − Menu manager allows creating custom menus for your website and navigating through your website.
  • Module Manager − It manages the modules such as location and function of modules that are installed on site.

User Information

Under USERS section, there is one icon located −
  • User Manager − It manages the user information, which allows creating or deleting the user, changing passwords, time and languages. You can also assign the user to User Groups.

Set the configuration

Three icons are located under the CONFIGURATION section as given below −
  • Global Configuration − This is an important part in the Joomla back-end. Any changes made in this configuration, will affect the entire website.
  • Template Manager − It manages the templates used in the website.
  • Language Manager − It manages installed language by setting the default language for your site.

Install Extension

There are many Extensions available in Joomla. You can install different types of extensions to extend the functionality of the site.


In MAINTENANCE section, there are two icons located −
  • Joomla is up-to-date − It views the current update status of the Joomla installation.
  • All extensions are up-to-date − It views the current update status of the Joomla extension.

Logged-In User

It shows the administrator name who has logged in to the Joomla site.

Published Articles

It shows the published articles and also shows the present article, that you have published.

Information of Sites

It displays the details of the site such as OS name, version of PHP and MySQL etc and also shows the number of users that are using this site.

Joomla - Toolbar

In this chapter we will study about the various toolbar options in Joomla. Given below is a list of toolbars −
  • Article Manager Toolbar
  • Category Manager Toolbar
  • Media Manager Toolbar
  • Menu Manager Toolbar
  • Module Manager Toolbar
  • User Manager Toolbar
  • Global Configuration Toolbar
  • Template Manager Toolbar

Article Manager Toolbar

Click on Content → Article Manager in Joomla administrator control panel. In Article Manager, you can create the standard pages that consist of images, text and hyperlinks. The following figure depicts the Article Manager Toolbar.
joomla Article Manager Toolbar
  • New − Create a new article.
  • Edit − Edit any specific article.
  • Publish − Publish the article to the user on the website.
  • Unpublish − Unpublish the article to the user on the website.
  • Featured − Selected article is featured. Multiple articles can also be featured.
  • Archive − It can change the status of the articles to published or unpublished by selecting archived in the select status filter.
  • Check In − Check-in the selected article. Multiple articles can be checked-in.
  • Trash − Delete the selected article permanently.
  • Batch − Selected articles are processed by batch.
  • Help − Help button is used to open the help screen.
  • Option − It opens the setting window where you can change the setting of the articles.

Category Manager Toolbar

Click on Content → Category Manager in Joomla administrator control panel. It manages to create categorize the articles which allows to group your content better. The following figure depicts the Category Manager Toolbar.
joomla Category Manager Toolbar
  • New − Add a new category.
  • Edit − Edits an existing category.
  • Publish − Publish the categories to the user on the website.
  • Unpublish − Unpublish the categories to the user on the website.
  • Archive − It can change the status of the categories to published or unpublished by selecting archived in the select status filter.
  • Check In − Check-in the particular selected category. Multiple categories can be checked-in.
  • Trash − Delete the selected category permanently.
  • Batch − Selected categories are processed by batch.
  • Rebuild − It is used to rebuild the categories tree data.
  • Help − Help button is used to open the help screen.
  • Option − It opens the setting window where you can change the setting of the articles.

Media Manager Toolbar

Click on Content → Media Manager in Joomla administrator control panel. It manages the files by uploading a new file or deleting the existing ones on your web server. Given below is a snapshot of the Media Manager Toolbar.
joomla Media Manager Toolbar
  • Upload − Upload images from your system.
  • Create New Folder − Create a new folder on Joomla server.
  • Delete − Deletes the selected item/images permanently.
  • Help − This opens the help screen.
  • Option &minus It opens the setting window where you can change the setting of the articles.

Menu Manager Toolbar

Click on Menus → Menu Manager in Joomla administrator control panel. It manages the menu items. Here new menus are created, deleted or menus are managed subsequently. Given below is a snapshot of the Menu Manager Toolbar.
joomla Menu Manager Toolbar
  • New − It creates a new menu item.
  • Edit − Edits the selected menu item.
  • Delete − Deletes the selected menu item permanently.
  • Rebuild − It rebuilds or refreshes the relevant menu items present.
  • Help − Help button is used to open the help screen.
  • Option − It opens the setting window where you can change the setting of the articles.

Module Manager Toolbar

Click on Extension → Module Manager in Joomla administrator control panel. It manages the modules location and functions that are installed. The following figure depicts the Module Manager Toolbar.
joomla Module Manager Toolbar
  • New − It creates new modules.
  • Edit − It edits the selected modules.
  • Duplicate − A copy of the selected module can be created using this button.
  • Publish − Publish the selected modules to the user on the website.
  • Unpublish − Unpublish the selected modules to the user on the website.
  • Check In − Check-in the particular selected modules. Multiple modules can be checked-in.
  • Trash − Delete the selected modules permanently.
  • Batch − Selected modules are processed by batch.
  • Help − Help button is used to open the help screen.
  • Option − It opens the setting window where you can change the setting of the articles.

User Manager Toolbar

Click on Users → User Manager in Joomla administrator control panel. It manages all the user information such as Username, Email, Last Visit Date and Registration Date. Given below is the snapshot of the User Manager Toolbar.
joomla User Manager Toolbar
  • New − It creates a new user.
  • Edit − It edits the selected user.
  • Activate − It activates multiple users.
  • Block − It blocks the selected user.
  • Unblock − It unblocks the selected users.
  • Delete − It deletes the particular users.
  • Batch − Selected users are processed as a batch.
  • Help − Help button is used to open the help screen.
  • Option − It opens the setting window where you can change the setting of the articles.

Global Configuration Toolbar

Click on System → Global Configuration in Joomla administrator control panel. It manages the global setting of the Joomla site. Given below is a snapshot of the Global Configuration Toolbar.
joomla Global Configuration toolbar
  • Save − Saves the configuration and stays on the same screen.
  • Save & Close − Saves the configuration and closes the screen.
  • Cancel − Cancels the configuration changes and returns to the previous screen without saving.
  • Help − Help button is used to open the help screen.

Template Manager Toolbar

Click on Extension → Template Manager in Joomla administrator control panel. It manages the templates that you use in the website. The following picture shows the Template Manager Toolbar −
joomla Template Manager Toolbar
  • Default − Sets the particular selected style as default.
  • Edit − Edits the template pages.
  • Duplicate − Creates a duplicate template.
  • Delete − Deletes the template.
  • Help − Help button is used to open the help screen.
  • Option − It opens the setting window where you can change the setting of the articles.

Language Manager Toolbar

Click on Extension → Language Manager in Joomla administrator control panel. It manages the languages that you use in the website. The following picture shows the Language Manager Toolbar −
joomla Language Manager Toolbar
  • Default − Sets the particular selected language as default.
  • Install Language − Install the required language.
  • Help − Help button is used to open the help screen.
  • Option − It opens the setting window where you can change the setting of the articles.

Joomla - Menus

Menu manager allows creating custom menus for your website and allows navigation through your website.
Step (1) − Click on Menus → Menu Manager in Joomla administrator, you will get the following screen −
Joomla Menus Menu
You can see the menu and menu items point to logical page on the website.
Step (2) − To add a new menu to your website, go to Menus → Menu Manager → Add New Menu as shown in the following screen −
Joomla Menus Menu
After clicking on Add New Menu, you will get the screen as shown below. Here you can create a new menu.
Joomla Menus Menu
  • Title − Title of the menu.
  • Menu Type − Type of menu.
  • Description − Brief description about the menu.
Step (3) − To create a new menu item, go to Menus → Name of the Menu→ Add New Menu Item as shown in the following screen −
Joomla Adding New Item
You can also add new menu item via User Menu. All the steps described below applies to menu item creation via this method.
When you open the page of a New Menu Item, you will get the following screen −
Joomla Menus Menu
There are two main sections under New Menu Item −
  • Menu Title − It displays the title of the menu item in the menu.
  • Alias − It is used as SEF url. Joomla will automatically fill the value of the title. It will produce UTF-8 aliases; it does not allow spaces and underscores.
There are some tabs present while creating menu items as shown in the following screen −


The Details tab in Add New Menu Item, is as shown below −
Joomla Menus Menu
It contains the following options −
  • Menu Item Type − It specifies the type of menu item such as articles, tags, web links, system links, contacts etc.
  • Link − It determines the link in the menu.
  • Target Window − It provides three options− ParentNew Window with Navigation and New without Navigation which targets the browser window when a menu item is clicked.
  • Template Style − You can select a template style for your website by clicking dropdown menu which gives Beez3 - Default and protostar - Default styles or provides default templates for your website.
  • Menu Location − It specifies which menu link will appear; either Main Menu or User Menu.
  • Parent Item − This helps you select a parent item by selecting either Menu Item Root or Home.
  • Status − It displays the status of the article. Status such as PublishedUnpublished and Trashed.
  • Default Page − It provides Yes or No options to set the menu item as default or home page of the site.
  • Access − Only the selected option from this dropdown list such as GuestPublicSuper Users, Registered and Special can view the site.
  • Language − It specifies the language of the site. It provides either ALL or English (UK) options.
  • Note − It is used to enter the text information.

Link Type

The next tab is Link Type in Add New Menu Item, as show below −
Joomla Menus Menu
  • Link Title Attribute − It specifies a description for the title attribute of the given hyperlink.
  • Link CSS Style − It applies a custom CSS style to the hyperlink.
  • Link Image − It uses an image to be used with hyperlink.
  • Add Menu Title − It provides Yes or No options and adds the menu title next to the image. The default is Yes.

Page Display

The next tab Page Display in Add New Menu Item, is as shown below −
Joomla Menus Menu
  • Browser Page Title − It specifies the description of the browser page title.
  • Show Page Heading − It provides Yes or No option which hides or shows the page title in the page heading.
  • Page Heading − It specifies the text for the page heading.
  • Page Class − It defines the optional CSS class to styling the elements in the page.


The next tab Metadata in Add New Menu Item, is as shown below −
Joomla Menus Menu
It contains following options as described below −
  • Meta Description − It is used as an optional paragraph which includes a description of the page and is displayed in the results of the search engines.
  • Meta Keywords − These are the optional keywords to be used in the html page.
  • Robots − It specifies robot instructions such as use GlobalIndexFollowNo Index,No IndexNo follow.
  • Secure − It defines whether link must use SSL or Secure Site URL. It provides three options such as OffOn and Ignore.

Joomla - Content Menu

In this chapter, we will study about menus present under the Joomla content. A drop-down menu is displayed when you click on Content Menu.
joomla Content Menu

Article Manager

In Article Manager, you can create the standard pages that consist of images, text and hyperlinks. Click on Content → Article Manager menu on Joomla administrative panel, you will get the following screen −
joomla Content Menu
Here, we have mentioned the details about the column header present on the Article Manager page.
  • Checkbox − It is used to select one or more items.
  • Status − specifies the status of the page or article, i.e., Publish/Unpublish/Archieve/trashed.
  • Title − Specifies the name of the title that will be displayed in the menu.
  • Access − Specifies the access level, i.e. public or private.
  • Author − This is the author name who has created that particular item.
  • Language − Specifies the item language used.
  • Date − Specifies the article creation date.
  • Hits − Specifies the number of times the item was viewed.
  • ID − It is the unique identification number assigned to the items automatically.
Let us learn about the Search box in the article manager page which is used to search the items very easily.
joomla Content Menu
Here you can search the item in the article manager page by selecting any of these − Select Status, Select category, Select Max Levels, Select Access, Select Author, Select language or Select Tag.
We will study about Article Manager Toolbar in detail in the chapter Joomla Toolbar.

Add New Article

Click on Content → Article Manager → Add New Article menu on the Joomla administrative panel, then you will get the following screen. The same page can be viewed when you click on Category Manager → Add New Category
joomla Content Menu
Here you can create your article or web page by specifying the title in Titlebar and we can add or write content in the content tab. We will study about this in detail in the chapter Joomla Adding Content.

Category Manager

Category Manager is used to create categories for the articles which allows grouping your content better. Click on Content → Category Manager menu on the Joomla administrative panel, then you will get the following screen image −
joomla Content Menu
We will study about Category Manager Toolbar in detail in the chapter Joomla Toolbar.
Here, we have mentioned the details about the column header present on the Category Manager page.
  • Checkbox − It is used to select one or more category items by clicking on the box.
  • Status − Specifies the status of the category i.e. Publish/Unpublish.
  • Title − Specifies the name of the title in the category.
  • Access − Specifies the access level, i.e. Public or Private.
  • Language − Specifies the item language used.
  • ID − It is the unique identification number assigned to the items automatically.

Featured Article

Click on Content → Featured Manager menu on the Joomla administrative panel, then you will get the following screen −
joomla Content Menu
Here the yellow star mark indicates the article is featured. The star mark is present next to each article for featured articles.
Here, we have mentioned the details about the column header present in theFeatured Article page.
  • Checkbox − It is used to select one or more items by clicking on the box.
  • Status − Specifies the status of the page or article, i.e. Publish/Unpublish.
  • Title − Specifies the name of the title that displays in the menu.
  • Ordering − Specifies the order of item creation.
  • Access − Specifies the access level, i.e. public or private.
  • Author − Describes the author name who has created that particular item.
  • Language − Specifies the item language used.
  • Date − Specifies the date of the article it was created on.
  • ID − It is the unique identification number assigned to the items automatically.

Media Manager

You can manage your media files by uploading a new file or deleting the existing ones using media manager. Click on ContentMedia Managermenu on the Joomla administrative panel, then you will get the following screen −
joomla Content Menu
We will study about Media Manager Toolbar in detail in the chapter Joomla Toolbar.

Thumbnail View

Thumbnail view contains previews of images and icons of sub-folder. When we click on Thumbnail View then the media manager will look like as shown below.
joomla Content Menu

Detail View

Detail view contains the file details. In the detail view, the file information such as dimension and file size are displayed. When we click on the Detail View then the media manager will look like as shown below.
joomla Content Menu

Joomla - Components Menu

In this chapter, we will study about Components Menu in Joomla. Click on Components Menu, a dropdown menu as shown below will be displayed −
joomla Component Menu


Components → Banners are used to setup the banners on the website. When you click on Banners, you see a submenu as shown below −
joomla Component Menu
Let us study each of the submenu as follows −


It is used to edit or add banners in the Joomla website to display.
Click Components → Banners → Banners, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu
We will study about Adding Banners in detail in the chapter Joomla - Adding Banners.


With Category Manager you can create new banner categories or edit the existing banner categories.
Click Components → Banners → Categories, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu
You can study more about Category Manager Toolbar in detail in the chapter Joomla Toolbar.
Below, we have mentioned the details about the column header present under the Category Manager - Banner page.
  • Checkbox − It is used to select one or more category items by clicking on the box.
  • Status − Specifies the status of the category i.e. Publish/Unpublish.
  • Title − Specifies the name of the title in the category.
  • Access − Specifies the access level, i.e. public or private.
  • Language − Specifies the item language used.
  • ID − It is the unique identification number assigned to the items automatically.
The Search box in the Category manager - Banners page is used to search the category items very easily.
You can search the item in the article manager page by selecting any of the following ways i.e. through Select Status, Select Max Levels, Select Access, Select language or Select Tag.


With Client Manager you can create a new client banner or edit the existing ones.
Click Components → Banners → Clients, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu
Below, we have mentioned the details about the column header present in the Banner Manager − Clients page.
  • Checkbox − It is used to select one or more clients by clicking on the box.
  • Status − Specifies the status of the category i.e. Publish/Unpublish.
  • Client − Specifies the name of the Banner clients.
  • Contact − Specifies Contact information of the client.
  • Banners − Specifies the number of banners defined for this client.
  • Purchase Type − It indicates how the clients are purchasing the banners i.e. Yearly or Monthly. By default it is monthly.
  • ID − It is the unique identification number assigned to the items automatically.
The Search box in the Banner Manager− Clients page is used to search the client items very easily.
You can search the item on the Client Banners page by selecting the Status or Type.


In Tracks, you can view the tracking information for a list of existing banners.
Click Components → Banners → Tracks, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu
The Begin Date and End date is used to track the information of the banner within a particular period (For instance, consider begin date as 2015-07-06 and end date as 2015-07-10, within this period of time the banner information will get tracked).


  • Export − It exports the banner tracking information in the CSV file.
  • Delete Tracks − Deletes the information of the selected tracks.


It adds contact information of client on Joomla site such as name, address, telephone number, email etc.
Click Components → Contacts → Contacts, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu
We will study about Adding Contacts in detail in the chapter Joomla - Adding Contacts.

Joomla Update

It specifies the Joomla latest version which is being used.
Click Components → Joomla! Update, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu


Components → Messaging allows sending and reading messages in Joomla. When you click on Messaging, you see a submenu as shown below.
joomla Component Menu

New Private Message

It is used to send messages to the other backend of Joomla site. You can read, write or delete the messages.
Click Components → Messaging → New Private Message, a New Private Message page opens up. We will study about Private Message in detail in the chapter Joomla - Private Messages.

Read Private Messages

In this section, you can read all the private messages.
Click on Components → Messaging → Read Private Message, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu


Below, we have mentioned details about the toolbars present in Read Private Message.
  • New − Creates a new message.
  • Mark as Read − Marks the messages as read from this section.
  • Mark as Unread − It marks the messages which have not been read yet.
  • Trash − It deletes the messages permanently.
  • My Settings − It is used to set the messages i.e. Lock the inbox, email a new message and auto-purge the message.


It allows adding news feed on your Joomla site from other sites.
Click Components → Newsfeeds → Feeds, a Newsfeeds page will open. We will study about Newsfeeds in detail in the chapter Joomla - Adding News Feed.

Post-installation Messages

It allows reviewing actionable messages after installation.
Click Components → Post Installation Messages, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu
Here it delivers messages after successful installation of Joomla extension or core.


Redirect Manager is used to redirect the URL's that do not exist on the website with web pages that are working.
Click Components → Redirect, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu
The details about the column header present in the Redirect Manager page are mentioned below.
  • Checkbox − It is used to select one or more items by clicking on the box.
  • Expired URL − The URL is redirected towards the website.
  • New URL − Redirects the designated URL.
  • Referring Page − Redirects the referring web pages.
  • Created Date − Specifies the date the URL was created.
  • 404 Hits − The pages were not forwarded after making the number of requests.
  • ID − It is the unique identification number assigned to the items automatically.


Below, we have mentioned details about the toolbars present on Redirect page.
  • New − Creates a new Redirect URL.
  • Edit − Edits the selected redirect.
  • Enable − It makes available the selected redirect to use.
  • Disable − It makes unavailable the selected redirect to use.
  • Archive − It can change the status of the selected redirect to published or unpublished by selecting archived in the select status filter.
  • Trash − It changes the status of the selected redirect to trash.


Search Manager allows you to see how many searches were done for each key combination and what was the result for each search.
Click Components → Search, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu

Smart Search

It enhances site search.
Click Components → Smart Search, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu
Below, we have mentioned the details about the column header present in the Smart Search page.
  • Checkbox − It is used to select one or more items by clicking on the box.
  • Status − Specifies the status of the items i.e. Publish/Unpublish.
  • Title − Specifies the name of the title.
  • Type − Specifies the type of the page i.e. Article or Tag.
  • Last Updated − Specifies the date of the last modification.


It is used to display the list of the tagged pages.
Click Components → Tags, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Component Menu


The link resource is provided very easily for user of the site and can be sorted into categories. It is used to add, edit or delete the links to other website on your Joomla.
Click Components → Weblinks → Links, Weblinks page will get open. We will study about Weblinks in detail in the chapter Joomla - Adding Web Links.

Joomla - Extensions Menu

In this chapter, we will study about Extensions Menu in Joomla. Click on Extensions, a dropdown menu as shown below will be displayed −
joomla Extension Menu

Extension Manager

Extension Manager is used to extend the functionality of Joomla website.
Click Extensions → Extension Manager, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Extension Menu
You can study more about Extension Manager in the chapter Joomla - Extension Manager.

Module Manager

It manages the modules that are installed on the site i.e. the location and function of modules.
Click Extensions → Module Manager, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Extension Menu
You will study more about Module Manager in the chapters under section Joomla Modules.

Plugin Manager

It manages the Joomla plugins and allows to enable/disable or edit the details of plugins.
Click Extensions → Plugin Manager, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Extension Menu
You can study more about Plugin Manager in the chapter Joomla - Plugin Manager.

Template Manager

It manages the designs that are used in the website. The templates can be implemented without changing the content structure within a few seconds.
Click Extensions → Template Manager, a screen as shown below will get displayed −
joomla Extension Menu
You can study more about Template Manager in the chapter Joomla - Template Manager.

Language Manager

This helps you set a default language for your site.
Click Extensions → Language Manager, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Extension Menu
You can study more about Language Manager in detail in the chapter Joomla - Language Manager.

Joomla - Help Menu

In this chapter, we will study about menus present in the Help Menu in Joomla. Click on Help, a dropdown menu as shown below will be displayed −
joomla Help Menu

Joomla Help

This Help page guides the user to create Joomla website.
Click Help → Joomla Help, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Help Menu

Official Support Forum

Official Support Forum helps in supporting the exchange of ideas and views officially in Joomla.
Click Help → Official Support Forum, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Help Menu

Documentation Wiki

The Documentation Wiki is used for formatting the content of articles, cross linking pages and creating the documentation of Wiki template by themselves.
Click Help → Documentation Wiki, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Help Menu

Joomla Extensions

Joomla extension extends the functionality of Joomla websites. In this Joomla extension page there are many extensions available to apply on Joomla websites.
Click Help → Joomla Extensions, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Help Menu

Joomla! Translations

Joomla translations help in translation of language in Joomla core files. It helps in documentation and screens along with other tasks to meet the need of diverse language community.
Click Help → Joomla Translations, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Help Menu

Joomla Resources

Joomla Resources help in locating the professional service providers. It helps the users to connect and do many more things in the Joomla CMS.
Click Help → Joomla Resources, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Help Menu

Community Portal

Community Portal helps in bringing Joomla news from all over the world at one place.
Click Help → Community Portal, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Help Menu

Security Center

Security Center helps in providing a public presence for security issues. It helps to detect a problem or service attack.

Click Help → Security Center, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Help Menu

Developer Resources

Developer Resources helps in providing resources for the users who are willing to build or maintain software based on the Joomla platform.
Click Help → Developer Resources, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Help Menu

Joomla Shop

Joomla shop helps the user to shop maximum number of products related to Joomla, when you click on a particular product then you will get the brief description about that product where users can read and buy it.
Click Help → Joomla Shop, a screen as shown below will get displayed.
joomla Help Menu

Joomla - Create Menus

In this chapter, we will study the step-by-step procedure of how to Create Menus in Joomla. Menus are the important part and help to navigate through your website easily.

Create Menus

Here are a few simple steps to create menus in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click Menus → Menu Manager → Add New Menu as shown below.
joomla Create Menus
Step (2) − After clicking on Add New Menu, the Menu Manager − Add Menu page will displayed as shown below. Here, we can add Menu Title (Name), Type and Description as shown.
joomla Create Menus
  • Menu Title(Name) − It should indicate the Title( Name ) of the menu.
  • Menu Type − The name of the menu type.
  • Description − Description about the menu.
Step (3) − After filling all the information about menu, click on Save button. It saves the menu bar you created.
Step (4) − We can also click on Save & Close button. It saves the menu bar and then closes the present screen. Finally, you get the following screen as shown below.
joomla Create Menus
In this page, you can view the name of the menu you had created in previous step.
Step (5) − When we click on Save & New button, your menu is saved and it opens a new create menu screen as shown below.
joomla Create Menus
Step (6) − Using Cancel button, cancels the create menu action.

Joomla - Adding Menu Items

In this chapter, we will study the step-by-step procedure of how to add new menu items in Joomla. Menu items can be created in the main menu (menu1), which we have already created in chapter Joomla - Create Menus.

Adding Menu Items

Following are the simple steps to add a menu item in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click on Menus → Menu1 → Add New Menu Item as shown below.
joomla Adding Menu Items
Step (2) − After clicking on Add New Menu Item, the Menu Manager − New Menu Item page is displayed as shown below.
joomla Adding Menu Items
You can view various tabs present in this page. The Details tab gets active by default.
There are two main sections under New Menu Item −
  • Menu Title − It displays the title of the menu item.
  • Alias − It is used as SEF URL. Joomla will automatically fill the value from the title. It will produce UTF-8 aliases, however, it does not allow any spaces and underscores.
  • Menu Item Type − In Menu item type, it specifies the type of menu item such as articles, tags, web links, system links, contacts etc. Here you can select menu item type by clicking on the Select button. By clicking on this button, a screen appears as shown below.
joomla Adding Menu Items
Click on Articles menu type, you get following screen. Now select Single Article as shown below.
joomla Adding Menu Items
After selecting Single Article you will get the following screen.
joomla Adding Menu Items
  • Select Article − Selects the article from the list.
  • Link − Specifies link reference for the menu item.
  • Template Style − You can select a template style for your website by clicking at the dropdown menu which gives you Beez3 - Default and Protostar - Default styles or provides default template for your website.
  • Target Window − It targets the window for menu items such as ParentNew Window With Navigation and New Without Navigation.
  • Menu Location − It specifies which menu link will appear either Main Menu or User Menu.
  • Parent Item − It selects parent item by selecting either Menu Item Root or Home.
  • Status − It displays the status of the article such as PublishedUnpublished and Trashed.
  • Default Page − It provides Yes or No options to set the menu item as default or home page of the site.
  • Access − It allows access only to selected users from the dropdown list such as Guest, Public, Super Users, Registered and Special option to view the items.
  • Language − It specifies the language of the site. It provides either ALL or English (UK) options.
  • Note − It is used to enter the text information.
After selecting Menu Item Type it will generate an Options tab automatically.
Step (3) − When we click on Options tab we will get the following screen.
joomla Adding Menu Items
Step (4) − Click on Link Type tab we will get the following screen.
joomla Adding Menu Items
  • Link Title Attribute − It specifies description for the title attribute of the given hyperlink.
  • Link CSS Style − It applies custom CSS style to the hyperlink.
  • Link Image − It uses an image to be used with hyperlink.
  • Add Menu Title − It provides Yes or No options and adds the menu title next to the image. The default is Yes.
Step (5) − Click on Page Display tab we will get the following screen.
joomla Adding Menu Items
  • Browser Page Title − It specifies the description for the browser page title.
  • Show Page Heading − It provides Yes or No option to show the page heading.
  • Page Heading − It specifies the text for the page heading.
  • Page Class − It defines the optional CSS class to style the elements in the page.
Step (6) − Click on Metadata tab we get the screen given below.
joomla Adding Menu Items
  • Meta Description − It is used as optional paragraph which includes description of the page and displays in the results of the search engines.
  • Meta Keywords − These are the optional keywords to be used in the html page.
  • Robots − It specifies robotic instructions such as Use GlobalIndex, FollowNo Index, No follow
  • Secure − It defines whether link must use SSL or Secure Site URL. It provides three options such as OffOn and Ignore.
Step (7) − The Module Assignment controls the module display on the page by assigning modules in menu items.
joomla Adding Menu Items


Below, we have mentioned details of the functions of the toolbar buttons present while adding menu items.
  • Save − Saves your created menu items.
  • Save & Close − Saves the menu item and closes the current screen.
  • Save & New − Menu item will get saved and it will open a new adding menu items screen.
  • Cancel − Cancels the current action.

Joomla - Modify Menu Items

joomla Modify Menu Items

Joomla - Creating Submenus

In this chapter, we will study about Creating Submenus in Joomla step by step. Submenu is a menu accessed from a general menu, it can be either shown as one menu with more than two levels or as separate menu modules.

Creating Submenus

Following are the simple steps to create submenus in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click on Menus → Menu Manager as shown below.
joomla Creating Submenus
Step (2) − After clicking on Menu Manager you will get the following screen. Here we have already created a menu as Menu1 as shown below.
joomla Creating Submenus
Step (3) − Click directly on Menu1 link, you get the following screen.
joomla Creating Submenus
Step (4) − Create a new article called as Policy and later create a menu item called Policy as shown below −
joomla Creating Submenus
Follow the same steps to create menu from the chapter Joomla - Create Menus. But here we are creating submenus for Service so we have to use Menu Location as Menu1 and Select Parent Item as Service.
Step (5) − Click on the button Save & Close.
Step (6) − Repeating step (4) and step (5) we have created one more submenu called Additional Service.
Step (7) − After you have finished creating submenus in menu items, the Menu Manager − Menu Items will look like as shown below. We can see that there are two submenus present below the Service Menu.
joomla Creating Submenus
Step (8) − Repeating the above steps, we can create many similar submenus for other than service menu also.

Joomla - Create Modules

In this chapter, we will study about Creating Modules in Joomla. Modules are the extensions which are flexible and lightweight and useful for page rendering.

Create Modules

Following are the simple steps to create modules in Joomla.
Step (1) − Create a folder called mod_firstmodule in your Joomla → modules folder.
Joomla Create Modules
Step (2) − In the mod_firstmodule folder create a file called as "helper.php". This file contains class name as helper, it helps to display the retrieved data in the module output.


      * Helper class for Hello World! module
      * @package    Joomla.Tutorials
      * @subpackage Modules
      * @link
      * @license        GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
      * mod_helloworld is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
      * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
      * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
      * other free or open source software licenses.
   class ModHelloWorldHelper {
         * Retrieves the hello message
         * @param   array  $params An object containing the module parameters
        * @access public
      public static function getHello($params) {
         return 'Hello, World!';
Step (3) − Create a file called as mod_helloworld.php. It is an entry point for the module which performs initialization routines, collects necessary data and displays the module output using template.


      * Hello World! Module Entry Point
      * @package    Joomla.Tutorials
      * @subpackage Modules
      * @license    GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
      * @link
      * mod_helloworld is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
      * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
      * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
      * other free or open source software licenses.

   // No direct access
   defined('_JEXEC') or die;

   // Include the syndicate functions only once
   require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper.php';

   $hello = modHelloWorldHelper::getHello($params);
   require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_helloworld');
Step (4) − Create a mod_helloworld.xml file. This file contains the information about module. This xml file contains information of files that are to be installed in Joomla for the module.

mod_helloworld.xml file

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

<extension type = "module" version = "3.1.0" client = "site" method="upgrade">

   <name>Hello, World!</name>
   <author>Tutorials Point</author>
   <description>A simple Hello World! module.</description>
      <filename module = "mod_helloworld">mod_helloworld.php</filename>
Step (5) − Create a simple html file called index.html. The purpose of writing this file is that, the created directories should not be browsed. When a user browses into these directories, the index.html file gets displayed. You can even keep this file empty.


   <body> Welcome to Tutorials Point!!!!! </body>
Step (6) − Create a folder called as tmpl. Place default.php file as shown below and index.html (created in step (5)) under tmpl folder. The default.php file is a template that displays the module output.


      * @package Joomla.Site
      * @subpackage mod_firstmodule
      * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2012 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
      * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('_JEXEC') or die;

<p>Hello World!!!!!!</p>
After you have finished creating all these files, compress the complete folder mod_firstmodule.
Step (7) − Go to Extension → Extension Manager in Joomla administrator and you will get the following screen. Here you can upload and install your created module files i.e. mod_firstmodule folder. Click on Choose File and select the created module file (compressed one). Click on Upload & Installbutton to upload the module file.
Joomla Create Modules
Step (8) − After upload and installation, go to Module Manager and click on New. There you can view your created module file as shown below.
Joomla Create Modules
Step (9) − You can assign this module similar to the other modules and then publish it.

Joomla - Breadcrumb Module

In this chapter, we will study about Breadcrumb Module in Joomla. A Breadcrumb is used to display the hierarchical representation of the navigation links so that the users can easily understand where they are in the website and allow them to navigate back.

Breadcrumbs Module

Following are the simple steps to edit an existing Breadcrumb Module in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click Extension → Module Manager in Joomla administrator. After you click on Module Manager you get the following screen.
Joomla Breadcrumb Module
Step (2) −As shown in the above screen, click on New button and the following screen displays. On this page, click on the Breadcrumbs.
Joomla Breadcrumb Module
Step (3) − Next, you see the existing breadcrumbs module as shown below.
Joomla Breadcrumb Module
By default, the Module tab is displayed. The Module displays the breadcrumbs.
Details of the fields present in the Module Breadcrumbs page are as follows −
  • Title− Displays the title of Module
  • Show "You are here" − It will show or hide the text "You are here" in the pathway.
  • Show Home − Home element will be shown or hidden in the pathway.
  • Text for Home Entry − Text will be displayed as home entry. The default value is taken from mod_breadcrumbs.ini language file, when the text field is empty.
  • Show Last − Last element will be shown or hidden in the pathway.
  • Text Separator − It separates the text.
  • Show Title − Displays the title of the module in the front end.
  • Position − It selects the position of the module to be displayed.
  • Status − It displays the status of the article such as Published, Unpublished and Trashed.
  • Start Publishing − It starts publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Finish Publishing − It finishes publishing on the assigned date and time
  • Access − Only selected users from the dropdown list such as Guest, Public, Super Users, Registered and Special options are allowed to view the item.
  • Ordering − Displays the drop-down of all module present in the position.
  • Language − It specifies the language of the site. It provides either ALL or English (UK) options.
  • Note − It is used to enter the text information.
Step (4) − Click on Menu Assignment tab, you will get the screen as shown below.
Joomla Breadcrumb Module
  • Module Assignment − Select the option to view the item from the dropdown list such as On All Pages, No Pages, Only on the pages selected or On all pages except those selected.
  • Menu Selection − After you select the option only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected, it then displays all the menu items present in Joomla. It allows you to assign modules to some and not all pages.
Step (5) − In Module Permissions tab, we can view the three actions. It manages the setting of module permission for the user groups as shown in the following screen.
Joomla Breadcrumb Module
  • Delete − It allows users in group to delete the content present in the breadcrumb.
  • Edit − It allows users in group to edit the content present in the breadcrumb.
  • Edit State − It allows users in group to change the state of content present in the breadcrumb.
Step (6) − The Advanced tab is used to do the advanced settings of the breadcrumbs. The advanced tab screen is shown below.
Joomla Breadcrumb Module
  • Alternative Layout − Select the layout to be used for this module.
  • Module Class Suffix − Setting this parameter causes Joomla to either add a new CSS class or modify the existing CSS class for the div element for this specific module.
  • Caching − Cache the content of the module. Use Global is used to cache settings from global configuration. No Caching does not cache the module content.
  • Cache Time − Specifies the time in minutes before the module is re-cached.
  • Module Tag − Specifies the HTML tag for the modules.
  • Bootstrap Size − Select width of the module built into bootstrap.
  • Header Tag − Modules use the HTML header tags.
  • Header Class − Optional CSS classes are added in the modules header.
  • Module Style − Overrides the template style for its position.


Following are the details about the toolbar function tabs present in breadcrumbs.
  • Save − Saves your modules.
  • Save & Close − Saves the modules and will close the current screen.
  • Save & New − Saves modules and opens a new creating module screen.
  • Cancel − Cancels the created modules in Joomla.

Joomla - Feed Display Module

In this chapter, we will study about Feed Display Module in Joomla. Feed Display Module is used to show the RSS News Feeds from a website. It is a way to provide user with the updated content from other resources.

Feed Display Module

Following are the simple steps to add/edit Feed Display Module in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click Extension → Module Manager in Joomla administrator. You will get the following screen.
Joomla Feed Display Module
Step (2) − Next, click on New button and the following screen displays, select module type − Feed Display.
Joomla Feed Display Module
Step (3) − After clicking on Feed DisplayModule Feed Display will be displayed as shown below.
Joomla Feed Display Module
By default, the Module tab is displayed. The Module allows you to display the syndicated feed.
Given below are the details of the fields present on the Module Feed Displayscreen −
  • Title − Displays the title of Module.
  • Feed URL − Specifies the RSS/RDF/ATOM feed URL.
  • RTL Feed − Feed is displayed in RTL direction.
  • Feed Title − Displays the title of news feed.
  • Feed Description − The entire feed text is shown.
  • Feed Image − It displays the associated image with the entire feed.
  • Feed Items − Displays the number of RSS items.
  • Item Description − Individual RSS items description is displayed.
  • Word Count − Limits the number of words to be displayed in item description text.
  • Show Title − Display the title of the module in the front-end.
  • Position − It will select the position of the module to be displayed.
  • Status − It displays the status of the article such as Published, Unpublished and Trashed.
  • Start Publishing − It will publish the feed on the assigned date and time.
  • Finish Publishing − It will finish publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Access − It allows access only to selected users from the dropdown list such as Guest, Public, Super Users, Registered and Special options to view the items.
  • Ordering − Displays the dropdown of all modules present in the position.
  • Language − It specifies the language of the site. It provides either ALL or English (UK) options.
  • Note − It is used to enter some information.
Step (4) − Click on Menu Assignment tab, you will get the screen as shown below.
Joomla Feed Display Module
  • Module Assignment − Select the option to view the item from the dropdown list such as On All Pages, No Pages, Only on the pages selected or On all pages except those selected.
  • Menu Selection − After selecting the option only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected, it will display all menu items present in Joomla. It will allow assigning module to some and not all pages.
Step (5) − Module Permissions tab has three actions present. It manages the setting of module permissions for the user groups as shown in the following screen.
Joomla Feed Display Module
  • Delete − Allows users in a group to delete the content present in the feed display.
  • Edit − It allows users in a group to edit the content present in the feed display.
  • Edit State − It allows users in a group to change the state of content present in the feed display.
Step (6) − The Advanced tab is used to do the advanced settings of the feed display. The advanced tab screen is shown below.
Joomla Feed Display Module
  • Alternative Layout − Select the layout to be used for this module.
  • Module Class Suffix − Setting this parameter causes Joomla to either add a new CSS class or modify the existing CSS class for the div element for this specific module.
  • Caching − Cache the content of the module. Use Global is used to cache settings from global configuration. No Caching is used whether to cache the content of the module or not.
  • Cache Time − Specify the time in minutes before the module is re-cached.
  • Module Tag − Specify the HTML tag for the modules.
  • Bootstrap Size − Select width of the module built into bootstrap.
  • Header Tag − Modules uses the HTML header tags.
  • Header Class − Optional CSS classes are added in the modules header.
  • Module Style − Overrides the templates style for its position.


Following are the details about the toolbar function tabs present in feed display −
  • Save − Saves your modules.
  • Save & Close − Saves the modules and closes the current screen.
  • Save & New − Saves the modules and opens a new creating module screen.
  • Cancel − Cancels the created modules in Joomla.

Joomla - Footer Module

In this chapter, we will study about Footer Module in Joomla. Footer displays the information of Joomla license and the copyright of the website.

Footer Module

Following are the simple steps to edit an existing Footer Module in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click Extension → Module Manager in Joomla administrator. After clicking on Module Manager you will get the following screen.
Joomla Footer Module
Step (2) − As shown in the screen above, click on New button and the following screen will get displayed. Select Module Type as Footer.
Joomla Footer Module
Step (3) − After clicking on Footer, following Footer module screen is displayed.
Joomla Footer Module
By default, the Module tab is displayed. The Module tab displays the copyright information of Joomla.
Given below is the information about the function tabs displayed on the page.
  • Title − Displays the title of Module.
Following content is present on the right side of the module tab.
  • Show Title − Displays the title of the module in the front end.
  • Position − It selects the position of the module to be displayed.
  • Status − It displays the status of the article such as Published, Unpublished and Trashed.
  • Start Publishing − It starts publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Finish Publishing − It finishes publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Access − It allows only selected users from the dropdown list such as Guest, Public, Super Users, Registered and Special options to view the items.
  • Ordering − Displays the drop-down of all modules present in the position.
  • Language − It specifies the language of the site. It provides either ALL or English (UK) options.
  • Note − It is used to enter the text information.
Step (4) − Click on Menu Assignment tab, you will get the screen as shown below.
Joomla Footer Module
  • Module Assignment − Select the option to view the item from the dropdown list such as on all Pages, no Pages, only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected.
  • Menu Selection − After selecting the option only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected, it displays all the menu items present in Joomla. It allows you to assign module to some and not all pages.
Step (5) − Module Permissions tab shows three actions to choose from. It manages the setting of module permission for the user groups as shown in the following screen.
Joomla Footer Module
Details of the function tabs on the page is given below.
  • Delete − It allows users in group to delete the content present in the Footer.
  • Edit − It allows users in group to edit the content present in the Footer.
  • Edit State − It allows users in group to change the state of content present in the Footer.
Step (6) − The Advanced tab is used to do the advanced settings of the footer. Following screenshot represents the advanced tab.
Joomla Footer Module
  • Alternative Layout − Selects the layout to be used for this module, which you have already defined as one or more layouts for a module in Joomla or template.
  • Module Class Suffix − Setting this parameter causes Joomla to either add a new CSS class or modify the existing CSS class for the div element for this specific module.
  • Caching − Cache the content of the module. Use Global is used to cache settings from global configuration. No Caching is used whether to cache the content of the module or not.
  • Cache Time − Specify the time in minutes before the module is re-cached.
  • Module Tag − Specify the HTML tag for the modules.
  • Bootstrap Size − Select width of the module built into bootstrap.
  • Header Tag − Modules uses the HTML header tags.
  • Header Class − Optional CSS classes are added in the modules header.
  • Module Style − Overrides the templates style for its position.


Following are the details about the toolbar funcion tabs present in Footer Module −
  • Save − Saves your modules.
  • Save & Close − Saves the modules and will close the current screen.
  • Save & New − Saves modules and opens a new creating module screen.
  • Cancel − Cancels the created modules in Joomla.

Joomla - Latest News Module

In this chapter, we will study about Latest News Module in Joomla. Latest News Module is used to display the most recent published article in a list.

Latest News Module

Following are the simple steps to edit an existing Latest News Module in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click Extension → Module Manager in Joomla administrator control panel. Following screen will be displayed −
Joomla Latest News Module
Step (2) − Click on New button, you get a screen as shown below. Now select Module Type Latest News.
Joomla Latest News Module
Step (3) − After clicking on Latest News, screen displayed is as shown below.
Joomla Latest News Module
By default, the Module tab is displayed. The Module tab displays the Latest News.
Below, we have mentioned the details of the fields present in the Module Latest News page.
  • Title − Displays the title of Module.
  • Category − Selects category for the article to display.
  • Count − Specifies the number of articles to be displayed.
  • Featured Articles − (Show/Hide/Only show Featured Articles) The articles can be displayed, hidden or you can only display the featured articles on the front page.
  • Order − (Recently Added First/Recently Modified First/Recently Published First/Recently Touched First/Random Articles) Sets the order of the articles depending on recent activities done for the article.
  • Authors − (Anyone/Added or modified by me/Not added or modified by me) Displays the article based on the author who has added or modified it.
  • Show Title − Displays the title of the module in the front end.
  • Position − It selects the position of the module to be displayed.
  • Status − It displays the status of the article such as Published, Unpublished and Trashed.
  • Start Publishing − It starts publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Finish Publishing − It finishes publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Access −It allows only the selected users from the dropdown list such as Guest, Public, Super Users, Registered and Special options to view the items.
  • Ordering − Displays the dropdown of all modules present in the position.
  • Language − It specifies the language of the site. It provides either ALL or English (UK) options.
  • Note − It is used to enter the text information.
Step (4) − Click on Menu Assignment tab, you will get the screen as shown below.
Joomla Latest News Module
  • Module Assignment − Select the option to view the item from the dropdown list such as on all pages, no pages, only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected.
  • Menu Selection − After selecting the option only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected, it displays all the menu items present in Joomla. It allows you to assign module to some and not all pages.
Step (5) − Module Permissions tab offers three actions to choose from. It manages the setting of module permission for the user groups as shown in the following screen.
Joomla Latest News Module
  • Delete − It allows users in group to delete the content present in the module.
  • Edit − It allows users in group to edit the content present in the module.
  • Edit State − It allows users in group to change the state of content present in the module.
Step (6) − The Advanced tab is used to do the advanced settings of the latest news. The advanced tab screen is shown below.
Joomla Latest News Module
  • Alternative Layout − Select the layout to be used for this module, which you have already defined as one or more layouts for a module in Joomla or template.
  • Module Class Suffix − Setting this parameter causes Joomla to either add a new CSS class or modify the existing CSS class for the div element for this specific module.
  • Caching − Cache the content of the module. Use Global is used to cache settings from global configuration. No Caching is used whether to cache the content of the module or not.
  • Cache Time − Specify the time in minutes before the module is re-cached.
  • Module Tag − Specify the HTML tag for the modules.
  • Bootstrap Size − Select width of the module built into bootstrap.
  • Header Tag − Modules uses the HTML header tags.
  • Header Class − Optional CSS classes are added in the modules header.
  • Module Style − Overrides the templates style for its position.


Following are the details about the toolbar function tabs present in Latest News Module.
  • Save − Saves your modules.
  • Save & Close − Saves the modules and will close the current screen.
  • Save & New − Saves the modules and opens a new creating module screen.
  • Cancel − Cancels the created modules in Joomla.

Joomla - Search Module

In this chapter, we will study about Search Module in Joomla. Search Module is used to display a search box, where the user types a particular name to search the website.

Search Module

Following are the simple steps to edit an existing Search Module in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click Extension → Module Manager in Joomla administrator control panel, you get the following screen −
Joomla Search Module
Step (2) − Next, click on New button and the following screen gets displayed. Next, select Module Type as Search on this screen.
Joomla Search Module
Step (3) − After clicking on Search, the existing Search module displays as shown below.
Joomla Search Module
By default, the Module tab is displayed. The module displays a search box. Below, we have mentioned the details of the fields present in the Module tab.
  • Title − Displays the title of Module.
  • Box Label − In search box label the text will appear.
  • Box Width − Sets the width of the search box. By default it is set to 20.
  • Box Text − Text to view on the search box.
  • Search Button − Search button is displayed. By default it is set to No.
  • Button Position − Sets the position of search button such as LeftRightBottomTop.
  • Search Button Image − Insert image as button. The image must be located in the templates/templates name/images/
  • Button Text − Text to view on search button.
  • OpenSearch autodiscovery − For site search it adds browser support. By default it is set to Yes.
  • OpenSearch title − When a site is added as a search provider, the text gets displayed in the supported browser.
  • Set ItemID − To display the search result, itemID is assigned by selecting menu item.
  • Show Title − Displays the title of the module in the front end.
  • Position − It selects the position of the module to be displayed.
  • Status − It displays the status of the article such as Published, Unpublished and Trashed.
  • Start Publishing − It starts publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Finish Publishing − It finishes publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Access − It allows only selected users from the dropdown list such as Guest, Public, Super Users, Registered and Special options to view the items.
  • Ordering − Displays the dropdown of all modules present in the position.
  • Language − It specifies the language of the site. It provides either ALL or English (UK) options.
  • Note − It is used to enter the text information.
Step (4) − Click on Menu Assignment tab, you will get the screen as shown below.
Joomla Search Module
  • Module Assignment − Select the option to view the item from the dropdown list such as on all pages, no pages,only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected.
  • Menu Selection − After selecting the option only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected, it displays all the menu items present in Joomla. It allows you to assign module to some and not all pages.
Step (5) − Module Permissions tab has three actions to choose from. It manages the setting of module permission for the user groups as shown in the following screen.
Joomla Search Module
  • Delete − It allows users in group to delete the content present in the module.
  • Edit − It allows users in group to edit the content present in the module.
  • Edit State − It allows users in group to change the state of content present in the module.
Step (6) − The Advanced tab is used to do the advanced settings of the Search. The advanced tab screen is shown below.
Joomla Search Module
  • Alternative Layout − Select the layout to be used for this module, which you have already defined as one or more layouts for a module in Joomla or template.
  • Module Class Suffix − Setting this parameter causes Joomla to either add a new CSS class or modify the existing CSS class for the div element for this specific module.
  • Caching − Cache the content of the module. Use Global is used to cache settings from global configuration. No Caching is used whether to cache the content of the module or not.
  • Cache Time − Specify the time in minutes before the module is re-cached.
  • Module Tag − Specify the HTML tag for the modules.
  • Bootstrap Size − Select width of the module built into bootstrap.
  • Header Tag − Modules use the HTML header tags.
  • Header Class − Optional CSS classes are added in the modules header.
  • Module Style − Overrides the templates style for its position.


Following are the details about the toolbar function tabs present in Search Module.
  • Save − Saves your modules.
  • Save & Close − Saves the modules and will close the current screen.
  • Save & New − Saves the modules and opens a new creating module screen.
  • Cancel − Cancels the created modules in Joomla.

Joomla - Random Image Module

In this chapter, we will study about Random Image Module in Joomla. Random Image Module is used to display the images randomly from the selected directory.

Random Image Module

Following are the simple steps to edit an existing Random Image Module in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click Extension → Module Manager in Joomla administrator, the following screen will be displayed −
Joomla Random Image Module
Step (2) − Next, click on New button and the following screen gets displayed. Next, click on the Random Image.
Joomla Random Image Module
Step (3) − After clicking on Random Image, the existing Random Image module displays as shown below.
Joomla Random Image Module
By default, the Module tab is displayed. Below, we have mentioned the details of the fields present in the Module tab.
  • Title − Displays the title of Module
  • Image Type − Displays the image type i.e. png, jpg, .gif etc. By default it is set to jpg.
  • Image Folder − Defines the path of the image folder which is stored on the server.
  • Link − When images are clicked, the URL is redirected.
  • Width (px) − Specifies the width of the image in pixels.
  • Height (px) − Specifies the height of the image in pixels.
  • Show Title − Displays the title of the module in the front end.
  • Position − It selects the position of the module to be displayed.
  • Status − It displays the status of the article such as Published, Unpublished and Trashed.
  • Start Publishing − It starts publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Finish Publishing− It finishes publishing on the assigned date and time
  • Access − It allows access to only selected users from the dropdown list such as Guest, Public, Super Users, Registered and Special options to view the items.
  • Ordering − Displays the drop down of all modules present in the position.
  • Language − It specifies the language of the site. It provides either ALL or English (UK) options.
  • Note − It is used to enter the text information.
Step (4) − When we click on Menu Assignment tab, you will get the screen as shown below.
Joomla Random Image Module
  • Module Assignment − Select the option to view the item from the dropdown list such as on all pages, no pages, only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected.
  • Menu Selection − After selecting the option only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected, it displays all the menu items present in Joomla. It allows you to assign module to some and not all pages.
Step (5) − Module Permissions tab provides three actions to choose from. It manages the setting of module permission for the user groups as shown in the following screen.
Joomla Random Image Module
  • Delete − It allows users in group to delete the content present in the module.
  • Edit − It allows users in group to edit the content present in the module.
  • Edit State − It allows users in group to change the state of content present in the module.
Step (6) − The Advanced tab is used to do the advanced settings of the Random Image. The advanced tab screen is shown below.
Joomla Random Image Module
  • Alternative Layout − Selects the layout to be used for this module, which you have already defined as one or more layouts for a module in Joomla or template.
  • Module Class Suffix − Setting this parameter causes Joomla to either add a new CSS class or modify the existing CSS class for the div element for this specific module.
  • Caching − Caches the content of the module. Use Global is used to cache settings from global configuration. No Caching is used whether to cache the content of the module or not.
  • Cache Time − Specifies the time in minutes before the module is re-cached.
  • Module Tag − Specifies the HTML tag for the modules.
  • Bootstrap Size − Selects width of the module built into bootstrap.
  • Header Tag − Modules uses the HTML header tags.
  • Header Class − Optional CSS classes are added in the modules header.
  • Module Style − Overrides the templates style for its position.


Following are the details about the toolbar function tabs present in Random Image Module.
  • Save − Saves your modules.
  • Save & Close − Saves the modules and will close the current screen.
  • Save & New − Saves the modules and opens a new creating module screen.
  • Cancel − Cancels the created modules in Joomla.

Joomla - Who's Online Module

In this chapter, we will study about Who's Online Module in Joomla. This module helps to display the user's information who are accessing the website.

Who's Online Module

Following are the simple steps to edit an existing Who's Online Module in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click Extension → Module Manager in Joomla administrator, the following screen will be displayed.
Joomla Who's Online Module
Step (2) − Next, click on New button and the following screen will get displayed. In this page, click on Who's Online.
Joomla Who's Online Module
Step (3) − After clicking on Who's Online, the existing Who's Online module will get displayed as shown below.
Joomla Who's Online Module
By default, the Module tab is displayed. Below, we have mentioned the details of the fields present in the Module tab.
  • Title − Displays the title of Module
  • Display − Select the following option to be displayed i.e. #of Guests/UsersUsernames or Both.
Given below are the details present on the right side of the module tab.
  • Show Title − Displays the title of the module in the front end.
  • Position − It will select the position of the module to be displayed.
  • Status − It displays the status of the article such as Published, Unpublished and Trashed.
  • Start Publishing − It will start publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Finish Publishing − It will finish publishing at the assigned date and time.
  • Access − It allows access only the selected users from the dropdown list such as Guest, Public, Super Users, Registered and Special options to view the items.
  • Ordering − Displays the drop-down of all modules present in the position.
  • Language − It specifies the language of the site. It provides either ALL or English (UK) options.
  • Note − It is used to enter the text information.
Step (4) − When we click on the Menu Assignment tab, you will get the screen as shown below.
Joomla Who's Online Module
  • Module Assignment − Selects the option to view the item from the dropdown list such as on all Pages, no pages, only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected.
  • Menu Selection − After selecting the option only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected, it will display all menu items present in the Joomla. It will allow assigning module to some and not all pages.
Step (5) − Module Permissions tab has three actions to choose from. It manages the setting of module permission for the user groups as shown in the following screen.
Joomla Who's Online Module
  • Delete − It allows users in group to delete the content present in the module.
  • Edit − It allows users in group to edit the content present in the module.
  • Edit State − It allows users in the group to change the state of content present in the module.
Step (6) − The Advanced tab is used to do the advanced settings of the Who's Online. The advanced tab screen is shown below.
Joomla Who's Online Module
  • Alternative Layout − Selects the layout to use for this module, which you have already defined as one or more layouts for module in Joomla or template.
  • Module Class Suffix − Setting this parameter causes Joomla to either add a new CSS class or modify the existing CSS class for the div element for this specific module.
  • Caching − Caches the content of the module. Use Global is used to cache settings from global configuration. No Caching is used, whether to cache the content of the module or not.
  • Cache Time − Specifies the time in minutes before the module is re-cached.
  • Module Tag − Specifies the HTML tag for the modules.
  • Bootstrap Size − Selects width of the module built in bootstrap.
  • Header Tag − Modules uses the HTML header tags.
  • Header Class − Optional CSS classes are added in the module header.
  • Module Style − Overrides the template style for its position.


Following are the details about the toolbar function tabs present in who's Online.
  • Save − Saves your modules.
  • Save & Close − Saves the modules and will close the current screen.
  • Save & New − Saves the modules and opens a new creating module screen.
  • Cancel − Cancels the created modules in Joomla.

Joomla - Syndicate Module

In this chapter, we will study about Syndicate Module in Joomla. Syndicate module helps in creating an RSS Feed link for the page. It allows creating a Newsfeed by the user for the current page.

Syndicate Module

Following are the simple steps to edit an existing Syndicate Module in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click Extension → Module Manager in Joomla administrator,the following screen will be displayed.
Joomla Syndicate Module
Step (2) − Next, click on New button and the following screen will get displayed. On this page, click on the Syndication Feeds.
Joomla Syndicate Module
Step (3) − Next, click on Syndication Feeds, the existing Syndicate module will get displayed as shown below.
Joomla Syndicate Module
By default, the Module tab is displayed. Below, we have mentioned the details of the fields present in the Module tab.
  • Title − Displays the title of Module.
  • Display Text − Text gets displayed by selecting option such as Yes or No.
  • Text − The entered text will get displayed next to the icon when the Display Text is set as Yes. If the field is left empty then it will display a default text.
  • Feed Format − The syndication Feed format is selected i.e. RSS 2.0or Atom 1.0.
  • Show Title − Displays the title of the module in the front end.
  • Position − It will select the position of the module to be displayed.
  • Status − It displays the status of the article such as Published, Unpublished and Trashed.
  • Start Publishing − It will start publishing at the assigned date and time.
  • Finish Publishing − It will finish publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Access − It allows access only to selected users from the dropdown list such as Guest, Public, Super Users, Registered and Special option to view the items.
  • Ordering − Displays the dropdown of all modules present in the position.
  • Language − It specifies the language of the site. It provides either ALL or English (UK) options.
  • Note − It is used to enter the text information.
Step (4) − Click on the Menu Assignment tab, you will get the screen as shown below.
Joomla Syndicate Module
  • Module Assignment − Select the option to view the item from the dropdown list such as on all pages, no pages, only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected.
  • Menu Selection− After selecting the option only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected, it will display all menu items present in Joomla. It will allow assigning module to some and not all pages.
Step (5) − Module Permissions tab has three action to choose from. It manages the setting of module permission for the user groups as shown in the following screen.
Joomla Syndicate Module
  • Delete − It allows users in group to delete the content present in the module.
  • Edit − It allows users in group to edit the content present in the module.
  • Edit State − It allows users in the group to change the state of content present in the module.
Step (6) − The Advanced tab is used to do the advanced settings of the Syndicate. The advanced tab screen is shown below.
Joomla Syndicate Module
  • Alternative Layout − Selects the layout to use for this module, which you have already defined as one or more layouts for module in Joomla or template.
  • Module Class Suffix − Setting this parameter causes Joomla to either add a new CSS class or modify the existing CSS class for the div element for this specific module.
  • Caching − Caches the content of the module. Use Global is used to cache settings from global configuration. No Caching is used, whether to cache the content of the module or not.
  • Cache Time − Specifies the time in minutes before the module is re-cached.
  • Module Tag − Specifies the HTML tag for the modules.
  • Bootstrap Size − Selects width of the module built in bootstrap.
  • Header Tag − Modules uses the HTML header tags.
  • Header Class − Optional CSS classes are added in the module header.
  • Module Style − Overrides the template style for its position.


Following are the details about the function tabs present on the toolbar of Syndicate module.
  • Save − Saves your modules.
  • Save & Close − Saves the modules and will close the current screen.
  • Save & New − Saves the modules and opens a new creating module screen.
  • Cancel − Cancels the created modules in Joomla.

Joomla - Donation Module

In this chapter, we will study about Donation Module in Joomla.

Donation Module

Following are the simple steps to edit an existing Donation Module in Joomla.
Step (1) − Click Extension → Module Manager in Joomla administrator, the following screen will be displayed.
Joomla Donation Module
Step (2) − Next, click on New button and the following screen will get displayed. Next, click on the OS Donate.
Joomla Donation Module
Step (3) − After clicking on OS Donate, the existing Donate module will get displayed as shown below.
Joomla Donation Module
By default, the Module tab is displayed. Below we have mentioned the details of the fields present in the Module tab.
  • Title − Displays the title of Module.
  • Module Class Suffix − Customized CSS styles are allowed to create on these modules to apply.
  • Open in new window − Opens a new window after clicking on the PayPal button.
  • Success return page − Enter the URL of the page where the user will return after donating at PayPal.
  • Cancel return page − Enter the URL of the page where the user will return after cancelling the PayPal donate.
  • Company Logo URL − Enter the image path of the company logo.
  • PayPal button image − Sets the path of PayPal button.
  • Show intro text − Intro text is shown in the module.
  • Intro text − Enter the intro text which is displayed in the module.
  • E-Mail/PayPal ID − Enter PayPal ID or email address.
  • PayPal Description − Display the brief description of PayPal donation.
  • Currencies − Allow users to select currencies.
  • PayPal Language − Set the language for PayPal.
  • Show amount field − Editable amount field is shown.
  • Amount − Donation amount is set.
  • Show Title − Display the title of the module in the front end.
  • Position − It will select the position of the module to be displayed.
  • Status − It displays the status of the article such as Published, Unpublished and Trashed.
  • Start Publishing − It will start publishing on the assigned date and time.
  • Finish Publishing − It will finish publishing at the assigned date and time.
  • Access − It allows access only to selected users from the dropdown list such as Guest, Public, Super Users, Registered and Special option to view the items.
  • Ordering − Displays the dropdown of all modules present in the position.
  • Language − It specifies the language of the site. It provides either ALL or English (UK) options.
  • Note − It is used to enter the text information.
Step (4) − In Description tab, there is a brief description given about the Donation Module.
Joomla Donation Module
Step (5) − When we click on the Menu Assignment tab, you will get the screen as shown below.
Joomla Donation Module
  • Module Assignment − Select the option to view the item from the dropdown list such as on all Pages, no pages, only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected.
  • Menu Selection − After selecting the option only on the pages selected or on all pages except those selected, it will display all menu items present in Joomla. It will allow assigning module to some and not all pages.
Step (6) − Module Permissions tab shows three action to choose from. It manages the setting of module permissions for the user groups as shown in the following screen.
Joomla Donation Module
  • Delete − It allows users in group to delete the content present in the module.
  • Edit − It allows users in the group to edit the content present in the module.
  • Edit State − It allows users in group to change the state of content present in the module.
Step (7) − In sticky hover options tab, you can set the options for sticky hover.
Joomla Donation Module
  • Use sticky hover − Sets the position of the module where PayPal button is set constant after scrolling the page.
  • Horizontal Reference Side − Sets the reference side horizontally on left or right side.
  • Horizontal distance − Sets the distance horizontally in pixels.
  • Vertical Reference Side − Sets the reference side vertically on bottom or top.
  • Vertical distance − Sets the distance vertically in pixels.
  • Font Color − Enter the font color in hexa value.
  • Width − Set the width.
Step (8)−The Advanced tab is used to do the advanced settings of the Donation module. The screenshot of Advanced tab is as shown below.
Joomla Donation Module
  • Module Tag − Specifies the HTML tag for the modules.
  • Bootstrap Size − Selects width of the module built in bootstrap.
  • Header Tag − Modules uses the HTML header tags.
  • Header Class − Optional CSS classes are added in the module header.
  • Module Style − Overrides the template style for its position.


Following are the details about the function tabs present on the toolbar of Donation Module.
  • Save − Saves your modules.
  • Save & Close − Saves the modules and will close the current screen.
  • Save & New − Saves the modules and opens a new creating module screen.
  • Cancel − Cancels the created modules in Joomla.

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