Thursday 30 July 2015

The 7 keys to teamworking

It is often said that if you want to arrive fast, you should walk alone and if the objective is to arrive far, you should do it in a team. Beyond any philosophical issue, the truth is that few people are self-sufficient, especially when the target is one of high impact and big objectives. We should work in teams! No way! Even, if the team is just of two people. There are certain clues to be taken into account.
  1. Know the strengths and assign roles according to them.
Everyone has its own preferences about the role that takes in the team and there are certain key profiles in order to commit the goal. Belbin points out that there are 9 of these alternatives: The Implementer, the creative and also the one to be inclined to improve the work atmosphere. There are functions in which we feel more comfortable and thus, our performance is more efficient individually and in the team. In order to identify the strengths, the preferences and skills makes it easier to achieve the goals. All this involves a good self-evaluation/assessment skill.
  1. Discuss more than argue
Discuss is more interesting since it shows the quality of the arguments and the weakness of your interlocutors. The part that proves an advantageous position will win. Nevertheless, a   better dialog is the one that emphasizes the positive points of the other part, agrees and builds a good synthesis accepting tensions as part of the process.
  1. Listen more than hear
Hand in hand with the previous point, one can achieve a positive dialog stemming from an active and acute listening. It is useless to defend an unshakeable position if there is an ultimate goal.
  1. Accept chaos and incorporate creativity.
Go beyond flexibility: A team that lets its creative energy flow may achieve great innovations that others may not.
  1. Accept the mistake and learn from it
Learning is more effective when it comes from experience. This takes place when the experience is positive, but, there are instances in which this is not the case. Incorporate learning in a proactive way is key, not only for the work of the team but for everyone individually as well.
  1. Apprehend the mission.
If all the members of a team commit with the objective, actions will come smoothly.  Without this basic idea, there is no project that can accomplish in its whole capacity. Besides, the objective must be a challenging one and strives everyone out of their comfort zone, which is the only way to learn.
  1. Establish a dynamic in common
With guidelines, coherent ways of working, respecting others, being responsible and committed and being flexible enough so that the energy is kept (see point 4).  To accomplish this, it requires a strong dozes of knowledge of the team; therefore, it will assure everyone to be comfortable to rely on each other.
These are some of the clues that facilitate the building of great teams. However, as we mentioned, experience provides the best techniques and practices. What about yours?

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