Monday 24 November 2014

Maharajas' Express: the most expensive train in India

Maharajas' Express: the most expensive train in India

Operating since January 2010, Maharajas' Express is the newest luxury train of Indian Railways and easily one of the most expensive in Asia. For eight days, this pan India train takes guests on a ride across the best and the most prominent destinations of the country—the Taj Mahal, the Khajuraho temples, wildlife environs of Ranthambore, Fatehpur Sikri and the holy bathing ghats of Varanasi. The cheapest rate per person per day is a whopping US$ 800 for a deluxe cabin. The next two slabs are US$ 900 and US$ 1,400, and the presidential suite comes for US$ 2,500.

This train is solely owned by Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC). The tour is being promoted as 'luxury travel like no other' and not without reason. Maharajas' Express will have 88 passengers (a normal III AC coach packs in 72) living in suites fit for a prince. All food and drinks are complimentary.

The train comprises 24 carriages, which include accommodation, dining, bar, lounge, generator and store cars. Each guest carriage has been designed to recreate the opulence of maharaja-style living. Elegantly decorated, the interiors of the cabin exude the finesse of exquisite workmanship. Sylvan parquets, intricate carvings and palette of soft hues characterise the interiors of the train. All cabins have individual temperature control, LCD television sets, DVD players, direct dial telephones, internet, even live television and electronic safe-deposit box.

Carriages are fitted with panoramic windows to offer the vista of rolling landscape as train travels through some of the most fascinating landscapes and countryside of India. The train also has an observation lounge called the 'Rajah Club' with a private bar. Besides these cars, the train also has two elegantly appointed dining cars that offer an array of sumptuous cuisines to guests. The bar of the train serves an eclectic mix of wines from across the world in a serene and relaxing ambience. A high-end boutique in the train houses some perfect memorabilia to cherish this royal sojourn for a lifetime.

Can our brains see the fourth dimension?

Can our brains see the fourth dimension?

The success of 2009's "Avatar" demonstrates that moviegoers appreciate the difference between 2-D and 3-D, and they're willing to pay a little more for an upgrade. Most of us are accustomed to watching 2-D; even though characters on the screen appear to have depth and texture, the image is actually flat. But when we put on those 3-D glasses, we see a world that has shape, a world that we could walk in. We can imagine existing in such a world because we live in one. The things in our daily life have height, width and length. But for someone who's only known life in two dimensions, 3-D would be impossible to comprehend. And that, according to many researchers, is the reason we can't see the fourth dimension, or any other dimension beyond that. Physicists work under the assumption that there are at least 10 dimensions, but the majority of us will never "see" them. Because we only know life in 3-D, our brains don't understand how to look for anything more.
In 1884, Edwin A. Abbot published a novel that depicts the problem of seeing dimensions beyond your own. In "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions," Abbot describes the life of a square in a two-dimensional world. Living in 2-D means that the square is surrounded by circles, triangles and rectangles, but all the square sees are other lines. One day, the square is visited by a sphere. On first glance, the sphere just looks like a circle to the square, and the square can't comprehend what the sphere means when he explains 3-D objects. Eventually, the sphere takes the square to the 3-D world, and the square understands. He sees not just lines, but entire shapes that have depth. Emboldened, the square asks the sphere what exists beyond the 3-D world; the sphere is appalled. The sphere can't comprehend a world beyond this, and in this way, stands in for the reader. Our brains aren't trained to see anything other than our world, and it will likely take something from another dimension to make us understand.

But what is this other dimension? Mystics used to see it as a place where spirits lived, since they weren't bound by our earthly rules. In his theory of special relativity, Einstein called the fourth dimension time, but noted that time is inseparable from space. Science fiction aficionados may recognize that union as space-time, and indeed, the idea of a space-time continuum has been popularized by science fiction writers for centuries [source: Overbye]. Einstein described gravity as a bend in space-time. Today, some physicists describe the fourth dimension as any space that's perpendicular to a cube -- the problem being that most of us can't visualize something that is perpendicular to a cube.

Researchers have used Einstein's ideas to determine whether we can travel through time. While we can move in any direction in our 3-D world, we can only move forward in time. Thus, traveling to the past has been deemed near-impossible, though some researchers still hold out hope for finding wormholes that connect to different sections of space-time.
If we can't use the fourth dimension to time travel, and if we can't even see the fourth dimension, then what's the point of knowing about it? Understanding these higher dimensions is of importance to mathematicians and physicists because it helps them understand the world. String theory, for example, relies upon at least 10 dimensions to remain viable. For these researchers, the answers to complex problems in the 3-D world may be found in the next dimension -- and beyond.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Employee Monitor Installing Via Group Policies

Employee Monitor Installing Via Group Policies


  • Create a network installation point on your service. You can use the NETLOGON folder for this purpose.
  • Copy the installer files: MpkNetInstall.msi, key.bin and settings.bin. It is recommended to join all destination computers into a single organization unit and create a GPO for it.

  • Open the group policy management window, use the right mouse button to select a group of computers or the domain itself, and click «Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here». 

  • Enter the policy name and click «OK».

  • Right-click on the newly-selected policy and select «Edit…» from the menu.

  • Open the «Software Installation» menu, right-click on it and select the «Properties» menu item.

  • On the first tab, select «Default package location» and set the property to «Assign» for new network packages.

  • Right-click on the empty field and select a corresponding command for adding a new installation package.

  • Select the MkNetInstall.msi package from the default package location folder and click «Open».

You can now close the policy management window.
  • Run the gpupdate /force command to update the policies.


  • Copy the new network installer to the distribution folder.

  • Open the policy management window to install a network agent. Right-click on an empty field and use a corresponding command to install a network agent. Right-click on an empty field to add a new installation package.

  • Select the new version of the package and click «Open»

  • Select the new version from the list of packages, right-click on it and select the «Properties» menu item.

  • Switch to the «Upgrades» tab and click the «Add…» button.

  • Select the previous version of the package in upgrade settings and enable the «Package can upgrade over the existing package» option, then click «OK».

  • Click «Apply» and then «OK» in the upgrade settings window.

  • Use the gpupdate /force command to update the policies.


  • Open the «Software Installation» menu, select the program installation package and right-click on it.

Select the «Remove…» command. This must be repeated for all packages.
  • Choose to remove the program for all users and click «OK».

  • Run the gpupdate /force command to update the policies.

Employee Monitor Installing Whithout A Domain


  • Generate a network installer using the «File» -> «Create an installer» menu command.
  • Copy all installation files (MpkNetInstall.msi, key.bin and settings.bin) to a single folder on the computer and run MpkNetInstall.msi. You will need admin rights to complete the manual installation.
  • Wait until the installation is over – and you are done.
  • Connect the computer in the log viewer.


  • Performed identically to installation.


  • Generate a network installer with the «File» -> «Create an installer» command or use a previously created one.
  • Copy all installation files (MpkNetInstall.msi, key.bin and settings.bin) to a single folder on the computer.
  • Right-click on MpkNetInstall.msi and select «Uninstall».
  • Wait until the uninstallation is complete.

Employee Monitor Installing Old Version (7.x)

How to manually install the software on non-domain network

1. Create an installer for the Refog Employee Monitor; click the menu «File» and select «Create Installer…»
The following five files will be copied to the specified folder:
  • MpkNetInstall.exe - program installer;
  • logstart.vbs - installer to be run in the hidden mode;
  • loguninstall.vbs - uninstaller to be run in the hidden mode;
  • key.bin - license file;
  • mpk.db - default settings file;
2. Copy these files to all computers
3. Using administrator privileges launch logstart.vbs on all computers
4. To open a network log, click the menu «File» and select «Connect to another computer…»
5. When viewing a log Refog Employee Monitor will ask for a login and a password for an administrator of that computer, which log you are trying to view.

To automatically install the software on the domain network:

1. Install the software on any computer on the network with the network administrator rights.
2. Set up the watching parameters that will be applied to all network computers by default.
3. Create an installer for the REFOG Employee Monitor; click the menu «File» and select «Create Installer…»

The following four files will be copied to the specified folder: - MpkNetInstall.exe – program installer; - logstart.vbs – installer to be run in the hidden mode; - loguninstall.vbs – uninstaller to be run in the hidden mode; - key.bin – license file; - mpk.db – default settings file;
4. Copy these files to the domain controller common folder "NETLOGON".

5. You should add the logon script «» on the domain controller for every user you want to install "REFOG Employee Monitor" to. For this, open Control Panel , click the Administrative Tools icon, double-click Active Directory Users and Computers, right-click the user, select Properties and then add the script to the Logon Script field.

If the logon script has been already specified, you should add the following string to this script to run the installer in the hidden mode: "MpkNetinstall" /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /NET This done, REFOG Employee Monitor will be installed and run on the domain computers as soon as the users log on.

Viewing logs on the remote computer:

You are able to view logs only under the domain administrator rights and having access to the shared system resources "C$", "D$", etc. of the domain computers.
To open a network log, click the menu «File» and select «Connect to another computer…»
To open a local log, on the menu File select Local log
If you manually install REFOG Employee Monitor on every computer then to open a log the following requirements should be met:
  • You should login to Windows using Administrator account
  • Computer which logs you are planning to view should have exactly the same account as in previous step. Meaning login and password should completely match to login and password of Administrator account you are using to view logs.
We are working on this issue and these requirements will not be needed anymore.

How to open REFOG Employee Monitor? The hotkeys do not always help

1. Press Windows key and R key.

2. Type runrefog and press Enter.

How to start REFOG Employee Monitor automatically at Windows startup?

To start it automatically for all users, select «Users» and click the green button with a triangle

To start it automatically for a certain user, select the user from the list and click the red button.

Employee Monitor: advanced settings

From time to time, we get contacted by people complaining that they cannot connect to a remote computer using Mipko Employee Monitor. Unfortunately, such situations do happen because of the differences in network architectures, computer settings, user permissions and other parameters. We have compiled a list of recommendations that will most probably help you solve your problem and successfully establish a connection. Here they are.


Make sure that the script is installed and launched on monitored computers (just in case you missed something). The following instruction explains how it can be created and installed.
The work of the script can be tested in the following way:
If the script was installed, you will find a folder called C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MPK (in Windows XP) or C:\ProgrammData\MPK (in Windows 7) containing logs and the executable file of the program. If the program is running, it won’t be possible to delete or move the executable file (with the *.exe extension).


Try adding the target computer using its IP address instead of its network name.
Try navigating from the observer’s computer to C$, the hidden shared folder of the client system being monitored and make sure it is accessible under the current user without errors or issues of any sort. If it’s not, try looking for a possible reason and fixing it.
My Computer > address bar > \IP address or name of the client computer\C$ > Enter
If it didn’t help and didn’t solve the problem, carry on with the instruction.


1. For Windows XP/Server 2003
Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters key and add an AutoShareServer (for Server 2003) or AutoShareWks (for Windows XP) value equal to 1.
2. For Windows 7, 8, Server 2008, 2012
You need to enable network discovery and shared access to files and printers.
Open "Control Panel > Network and sharing center > Change advanced sharing settings". You need to activate the "Turn on network discovery" and "Turn on file and printer sharing" options.
After that, go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System key, create a LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy value of REG_DWORD type equal to 1 and reboot the monitored system.
3. If there is no admin password set on the monitored computer, you need to do the following. Make sure that the RestrictAnonymous DWORD parameter in the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa key in the registries of all monitored computers is set to zero. This is officially recommended by Microsoft.
In Windows 7 and 8, disable "Password-protected sharing":
Control Panel > Network and Internet > View network status and tasks > Change advanced sharing settings > General (current profile) > Password-protected sharing > Turn off.
If you see the following error: "Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed."
try adding the name of the computer to the user name. For instance, try using "testwin\testadmin" instead of "testadmin".
You can also try closing the log viewer, then opening the command line (Start->Run->cmd) and doing the following:
1. Run the "net use" command and find the computer you cannot connect to
2. Enter the following commands:
net use {computer_name or ip_address} /delete net use {computer_name or ip_address}\c$ /delete
3. Run the program and try adding the computer again
Make sure that all computers are in the same workgroup or domain. This is important and if it is not so, it may cause the problem.
If you still fail to connect after trying all of the above, please contact our technical support department - we will try to find the reason of your problems.

The Future of Remote Work, According to Startups

  The Future of Remote Work, According to Startups No matter where in the world you log in from—Silicon Valley, London, and beyond—COVID-19 ...