Monday 27 January 2014

7 cutting-edge technologies coming soon

7 cutting-edge technologies coming soon
We discuss some cutting-edge technologies that’s only been seen in research labs till now… and some of these are still prototypes.


Like every year, even in 2014, phones will get smarter, computers will get faster, cameras will capture more pixels, and screens will display those clearer. We will see newer versions of operating systems. There will be better iterations of devices, and you'll probably ditch your old faithful for a new shiny one.

But this feature is not about mere upgrades. Not at all. It is about cutting-edge tech that's only been seen in research labs till now... and some of these are still prototypes. Regardless, all of it is... hot stuff.

As small as a memory card

The Edison is Intel's latest experiment in miniaturization. This Linux-based 'computer' - the size of an SD card - comprises a 400MHz dual- core processor, integrated Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth 4.0. The chipmaker even has an app store designed for the platform, making Edison a highly customizable miniature computer that can be put to myriad uses, including in wearable gadgets.

As a proof of concept, Intel outfitted baby clothing with Edison as well as sensors that could track temperature, breathing, and motion. It also kitted an LED coffee mug with Edison, and wirelessly connected both the micro computers. When the baby was happy, the sensors in its clothing conveyed the data via Edison to the coffee mug (in the parent's hand) to display a happy green smiling face, but when something went wrong, that face turned red... Expect to hear and see more of Edison this year.

Intel plans on getting it out into the market within the next few months. In fact, it has already announced a $1.3 million 'Make It Wearable' competition, including $500,000 that will be awarded to the most innovative developer.

Lots of 'Steam'

A few years ago, Valve -- developers of best-selling titles such as Half Life, Counter Strike, and Team Fortress -- envisioned a future where games could be delivered via the internet straight to computers. That was the beginning of Steam - an online distribution service that brought gamers and content together.

As part of the next step, Valve envisioned consoles - built by different vendors - that would replace PCs. These boxes would be equipped to handle all of Valve's offerings. And the concept of a Steam Box was born. These machines would not be a 'one size fits all'. Each hardware manufacturer could design its own configuration, and at different prices, so long as all those machines are optimized for Steam.

Well, recently, 13 vendors - including Alienware, Gigabyte, Zotac, Falcon Northwest and Digital Storm - unveiled their own versions of this console. And since Steam boasts of a catalogue of over 2,000 games, it is in a unique position to digitally distribute titles at a discount of up to 75% - and this can only mean good things for gamers.

So while Sony and Microsoft slug it out for console supremacy, they just might find Valve creeping up on them. As for us, we're glad Steam Box is no longer plain vapourware.

Dual-boot tablets

If you're out shopping for a tablet, you're forced to choose an operating system, whether Android, iOS or Windows Phone. But guess what? A new set of slates - ready to hit the market as early as February - will support Android (Jelly Bean) as well as Windows 8. This means, you can (at boot-up) choose which OS you want to run.

The first of these devices, interestingly, is Micromax LapTab - a 10-inch slate that's powered by a dual-core 1.4GHz Intel Celeron processor, 2GB RAM and with 32GB storage.

Similarly, Asus has also announced the Transformer Book Duet TD300 - a hybrid laptop-tablet combo that boasts of some killer hardware under its hood, including a 13.3-inch Full HD IPS display, an Intel Core i7 processor, 4GB RAM, and a choice between a 128GB solid state drive (SSD) or a 1TB hard drive.

Now the only thing left to see is whether the strange bedfellows, Google and Microsoft, are okay with the arrangement...

All about the curves

A few years ago, manufacturers glibly convinced us that we really needed flat screen TVs. And we, gullibly, believed them. But now, once we've upgraded, the same chaps are telling us that curves are the new thing.

Last year, Samsung unveiled a simple curved screen prototype. This year, they went a step further. The South Korean giant has built an 85-inch ultra high-definition (UHD) TV that looks like any other flat-panel television. But press a button, and both its vertical edges start moving forward to reveal a bendable screen. The resulting concave display is - supposedly - engineered to recreate a theatrical effect; bringing the edges closer to make the viewing experience more immersive.

And then there is Panasonic that can't quite decide whether screens should be concave or convex. It has built a prototype that curves in as well as out.

Well, we're not sure if bendable UHD screens are immersive or not. But yes, in the next couple of years, expect almost every TV maker to throw curved displays at you. And you can expect them to cost much more than the sedan in your parking lot!

Modular PCs

Putting together a computer is not everyone's cup of tea. You have to choose the right motherboard, microchip, graphic card and power unit. And that's only the beginning. Then, you have to work your way through all the cables; connecting the fans, hard drives, DVD writer and what not...

Well, Razer - a company known for its gaming hardware - has been working on Project Christine that will make assembling a personal computer as easy as playing with Lego blocks.

Need a new machine? Simply pick up the modules you want: processor, graphic card, storage, system monitors with digital readout, collection of ports, and simply plug it into a grid. Project Christine uses PCI-Express architecture that automatically syncs the components.

Each of Christine's modules is self-contained , liquid cooled and uses noise cancellation to make for a silent, but flexible computing system. As of now, Razer hasn't fixed a price or disclosed a release date for this modular set-up, but we'd definitely like to see this one hit stores in the near future.

Super bowl


All of us have that place where we drop our keys and keep our mobile phones, Bluetooth headset, and MP3 players as soon we reach home. Well, Intel is working on a 'bowl' for this purpose that will not only be a repository for your electronics, but also charge the devices. Of course, your gadgets will also need to be compliant.

As of now, Intel Smart Bowl prototype - measuring 10-inches in diameter and which uses magnetic resonance technology - only charges Intel's smart headset. But the Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP) - with members from industries such as consumer electronics, mobile services, automotive, furniture, software - recently announced a global certification programme called Rezence for wireless charging, so this tech might make its way to your home sooner than you think.

Master chef

They've been making waves for quite a while now, but this year, 3D printers are vying for a spot in your kitchen! Yes, you read that right. US-based 3D Systems has invented the ChefJet that's capable of printing candies, cake icings and other edibles. The printers, due out later this year, will be available in two variants. The basic model will deliver single colour prints, while the ChefJet Pro will deliver full colour confectionery.

Friday 24 January 2014

By 2020, iPhones Can Download Full HD Movies in 1 Second

While we’re still debating on who has the fastest 4G LTE network here in the U.S., South Korea is already looking ahead to the potential of 5G. Setting a budget of $1.5 billion and a 2020 deadline, the home of Samsung and LG will soon allow its citizens the capability of downloading a full movie in just 1 second on their smartphones!
5G is expected to be about 1,000 times faster than current 4G technology, which will open the doors to faster speeds, more productivity while on the go, and likely a larger increase in data consumption as users realize they can do more without having to wait for buffering.
IOS-App-Icon-0145G speeds will likely be an important feature to have as videos and mobile displays become higher resolution. With 4K streaming hitting the market, 5G will likely be a benefit to users who want to stream 4K YouTube or Netflix content on their mobile devices. However, the drawback is that in the age of data caps and metered data plans, you should be prepared to pay if you want high resolution, fast streaming.
To partake in the race to 5G, there will need to be significant equipment and infrastructure upgrades on the side of the carrier as well as device upgrades to be compatible with 5G networks from consumers. Consumers will need new phones, hotspots, and tablets that can take advantage of the faster network in just 6 short years in South Korea.
For comparison, 4G LTE is said to be about 10 times as fast as 3G. This would mean that the migration to 5G will offer significantly faster speeds than what is available today.
In addition to South Korea, the European Union and China are also setting 2020 as the deadline for migrating to 5G connectivity. According to a CNN report, 4G networks in the U.S. are already taxed, and the influx of the Internet of things, which include connected appliances, cars, and wearable technologies like smartwatches, the U.S. will also need to upgrade to 5G to stay competitive in the race. Where spectrum is a very finite and limited resources, 5G could alleviate some of the current network strains and congestion to accommodate more users while at the same time deliver faster speeds.

Get Credit For Lifelong Learning - College, MOOCs & More | Degreed

 There’s a lot of buzz about how new education platforms are making it easy to acquire the kind of skills that, traditionally, have been reserved for the hallowed halls of higher education. These services, whether it be Khan Academy or one of the countless new MOOCs or MOOC hybrids, want to make it easy for students young and old not only to learn but also to get hired.

Degreed 'jailbreaks the degree' by measuring all academic, professional, and lifelong learning. Create your profile to start getting credit for your education.

You can also get many useful resources and feeds related to programming and other fields. To know more visit the following website.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Send large files: 10 of the best services for sharing big files

Roundup Here are ten of our favourite services to share files too big for email

Send large files: 10 of the best services for sharing big files
The top services to send big files
Send big files share large files The kinds of documents we generate have outpaced the means to cope for some technologies. Pop back in time to the 1990s and you might have sent the odd Word document or image to a colleague. Maybe a decade ago you'd have fired the occasional MP3 someone's way (of your own recorded material, naturally).
Today though, even fairly basic documents might include many embedded images, taking them into the dozens of megabytes. And then there are movies, layered Photoshop documents, audio work files, and more.
Although there's no set maximum assigned globally regarding email, you'll often find providers, services and corporate servers bounce anything that's too big as a matter of course. 10MB is a fairly typical limit, which once would have seemed a staggering amount of data, but today doesn't exactly seem huge.
On that basis, you'll often find yourself needing to send something to a friend or colleague, and realising email just won't cut it.
For very specific types of files, you might resort to joining an appropriate service and sharing your work, at least if you often want to send it on to others, such as YouTube or Soundcloud.
Often, though, you just want to send a massive file on an ad-hoc basis. Fortunately, dozens of options exist, from cloud storage providers to one-to-one upload services. Here are some of the best…

1. Dropbox

Dropbox is so popular that we're wondering if people might soon refer to 'Dropboxing' for file-sharing/online storage in the same generic manner as 'Photoshopping' for image editing. You get 2GB for free and can share folders or links to specific files, such as archives. You can buy extra space, from $9.99 monthly for 100GB. Dropbox's widespread support (in terms of first-party and third-party apps) adds to its appeal.
Send big files share large files

2. Box

Box echoes Dropbox in terms of sharing functionality, although its free option provides a whopping 10GB of storage. The caveat is 250MB file-size limits, which can be eradicated by paying. Paid plans also provide collaboration options (including email notification regarding downloads and commenting on files), but the free option's great for secure ad-hoc sharing.
Send big files share large files

3. SugarSync

SugarSync is in some ways similar to Dropbox, although it enables you to back-up any folder to the cloud. From a sharing standpoint there are no size limitations beyond your account's size (60GB for the cheapest $7.49 per month option), and there are tools available for group collaboration and businesses.
Send big files share large files

4. MediaFire

One of the more mature entries in terms of collaboration, MediaFire gives you 10GB of space for free, limiting transfers to 200MB. Paying $2.49 per month adds long-term storage, makes sharing ad-free, and gives you a FileDrop uploader for people to send content to your account. Document editing is also available.
Send big files share large files

5. WeTransfer

We like WeTransfer a lot. The free version is ad-supported and gives you registration-free 2GB transfers as often as you like. Each upload stays live for seven days. But buy Plus (€120 annually) and you get 5GB optionally password-protected transfers, and 50GB of long-term storage. The company's breezy copywriting doesn't hurt either.
Send big files share large files

6. Hightail

Originally YouSendIt, Hightail was one of the first companies that latched on to the 'fire huge files across the internet' thing, and it's grown rapidly since being founded in 2004. The free 'lite' plan - 50MB transfers, 2GB storage - looks a touch limited these days, but the company's longevity is reassuring, and its enterprise options will appeal to corporates.
Send big files share large files

7. Adobe SendNow

If you're in the design industry, large files are a big part of life. Massive high-res images, audio, video, magazine PDFs, the works. Adobe offers SendNow for £14.65/$19.95 annually, and beyond straightforward sending, you also get file-tracking and a handy 'convert to PDF' option for your money.
Send big files share large files

8. Egnyte

Most services for sending large documents are aimed at the widest possible market, but Egnyte has concentrated on the enterprise. Security, back-up, granular permissions and speed are central to the service, which starts at $8 per employee per month for between five and 24 employees. This plan includes 1TB of storage and comes with a 2.5GB maximum file size.
Send big files share large files

9. MailBigFile

If we're honest, it was the name that first attracted us to this British company. That said, the usability of MailBigFile is also great, with a bold drop-well and handy time/upload indicators. Up to five files totalling 2GB can be sent for free, while pro accounts (£2.99 per month) up the limit to 4GB, speed up transfers, add storage and offer tracking.
Send big files share large files

10. Mega

Founded by Kim Dotcom of Megaupload fame, Mega reportedly amassed 100,000 users within its first hour live. Despite initial issues with reliability and speed, the service remained popular, in part due to content encryption happening client-side. 50GB of storage is yours for free, while pro accounts start at €9.99 per month for 500GB of storage and 1TB of bandwidth.
Send big files share large files

Bonus 11. Your local postal service

If you've a colossal amount of data you want to send to someone and a not entirely speedy web connection (or are a touch paranoid regarding government services and web interception), copy it to a USB stick and pop it in the post. With especially large files, even a couple of days via the likes of Royal Mail might work out quicker than uploading.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Word / PDF resumes will soon become obsolete.

Intro We just launched our second product. It's an alternative to traditional, offline Word/PDF resumes. Have a look at myWebume( ).
What is a Webume?
A 'Web'ume is a resume on the 'Web'. It can be accessed via a simple link like In addition to text, you can add images, videos, links to spruce it up.

Why do I need one?
Webume's are the future. Offline resume formats; like .doc, .docx, .pdf; will become obsolete, soon. We have made it easy for you to get started. Just copy/paste your existing resume.
Here's more...
Access it from any device. Share your webume link with anyone. It makes you easily searchable by recruiters, online. Control access to your webume by making it private or public.

Let’s e-mpower generation with the power of IT Technology

Let’s e-mpower!

The Google Student Ambassador (GSA) Programme, another NDLM initiative, offers an opportunity for students to learn about innovative Google products. At the same time, it also teaches under served communities to use the computer at a basic level. A team in Mumbai trained senior citizens in using the web through an event called ‘Connect Elderly Online’. The senior citizens showed immense interest in learning online banking, online shopping and video chatting in particular, and seemed excited about how these would make their day-to-day lives a lot easier. “One of the senior citizens thanked me for teaching him how to access the Internet and spoke about how it had impact him”, shared Jaspreet, a GSA.
NDLM, and the firm-specific initiatives under its umbrella, will encourage technology adoption domestically, thus helping create an empowered India. The NASSCOM Foundation urges you to join DLW 2013 from December 9-13 and volunteer to make a difference. If you wish to be the force behind positively impacting lives.
While India continues to take pride in her IT prowess with the IT-BPM sector contributing a large share to the national GDP, 80 per cent of her population remains digitally poor. The NASSCOM Foundation is working to alleviate this inequity.
In rural areas, the government, through initiatives like the National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN), is working to extend connectivity. However, digital illiteracy exists in urban, connected areas too! The Digital Literacy Week (DLW) is a corporate collaboration where employees from IT organisations like Dell, Google, HCL, HP, IBM, Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft and NII T volunteer to tackle digital illiteracy in partnership with local NGOs and ITIs. This initiative is a part of the National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM) that will complement the government’s efforts in making one person per household e-literate by 2020. Through DLW 2012, 500 volunteers from the industry were instrumental in training approximately 22,000 people across 10 cities.
Vikas Puri, like many others from his village had heard about the internet and its benefits but never got to experience it personally. The lack of jobs in Arain (the biggest Panchayat in Ajmer district of Rajasthan; also the first in the country to receive the fibre optic line laid by the NOFN) makes many youth migrate for jobs. But, Vikas, 20, didn’t follow suit. After completing his graduation, he started helping his father in their grocery store. However, the income generated from the shop remained modest. In order to improve his livelihood, he joined the computer and digital literacy programme at one of the NDLM Centres set up by Intel.
Today, Vikas runs a cyber café right next to his grocery store, thanks to the basic computer skills he acquired through the programme. This has not only transformed his life, it also helping young students like him learn computer skills and access basic information like exam results, admission forms, etc. without having to travel to the nearest town.
The Digital Literacy Week (DLW) is a corporate collaboration where employees from IT organisations like Dell, Google, HCL, HP, IBM, Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft and NIIT volunteer to tackle digital illiteracy in partnership with local NGOs and ITIs. This initiative is a part of the National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM) that will complement the Government’s efforts in making one person per household e-literate by 2020.

Product Ecosystem : Taking the High Road


India is a land of great opportunities, especially for technology organisations that are innovative, can think out-of-the-box and can come up with unique products.
Recognising this, a new breed of software product developers has emerged, who are helping shape a vibrant ‘Made in India’ industry. 
Many  of  these Indian software products organisations have changed their status from emerging to evolved. They have also transformed the country’s Tier II/III cities with their presence, establishing them as product development hubs and generating significant employment in these locations.
The rise of software product developers has also been catalysed by traditional software service providers, who are now gravitating towards IP creation and productisation.
The arrival of the internet, the cloud, and mobility are further spurring organisations to build products that leverage these platforms.
The software product phenomenon is leading to the emergence of a new segment of entrepreneurs that range from IT industry veterans to young budding college students!
The landscape of start-ups and emerging organisations is also being boosted by the following:
A supportive ecosystem for this young brigade that includes incubators, angel investors and mentors
The move from licensed-based software models to IP-based models, which allow products to be embedded in the services offered
The rise of the SMB market overseas, which is being actively addressed by this entrepreneurial community through the new delivery models such as the cloud
The road ahead
Going forward too, Indian software product organisations will leverage the intersection of mobility and content, focusing on publishers and producers of content. The rise of user-generated content due to the increased number of publishing platforms will also drive this trend.
Keeping these developments in view, NASSCOM Newsline has decided to devote a complete issue to the software product industry. We bring you a cross-section of industry views on this sector and where it is headed over the next few years.
The software product phenomenon is leading to the emergence of a new segment of 
entrepreneurs that range from IT industry veterans to young budding college students!

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Soon, charge your mobile phone from 'air'

Soon, charge your mobile phone from 'air'

Soon, charge your mobile phone from 'air'

Imagine charging your cellphone while on an evening walk without any wire or device near you.

NEW YORK: Imagine charging your cellphone while on an evening walk without any wire or device near you.

This 'power in the air' thought has received a big boost with Duke University researchers demonstrating the feasibility of wireless power transfer using low-frequency magnetic fields over distances much larger than the size of the transmitter and receiver.

"What consumers want and expect from a useful wireless power system is the ability to charge a device wherever it is - not simply to charge it without a cable," said Yaroslav Urzhumov, assistant research professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke University.

"Previous commercial products like the PowerMat have not become a standard solution exactly for that reason as they lock the user to a certain area or region where transmission works," he added.

The Duke researchers have created a 'superlens' that focuses on magnetic fields.

The superlens translates the magnetic field emanating from one power coil onto its twin nearly a foot away, inducing an electric current in the receiving coil, said the study published in the journal "Scientific Reports".

This is the first time such a system has successfully sent power safely and efficiently through the air.

"We have demonstrated that the efficiency of magneto-inductive wireless power transfer can be enhanced over distances many times larger than the size of the receiver and transmitter," said Urzhumov.

"This is important because if this technology is to become a part of everyday life, it must conform to the dimensions of today's pocket-sized mobile electronics," he added.

Superlens looks like a few dozen giant Rubik's cubes stacked together.

Both the exterior and interior walls of the hollow blocks are intricately etched with a spiraling copper wire reminiscent of a microchip.

On one side of the superlens, the researchers placed a small copper coil with an alternating electric current running through it, which creates a magnetic field around the coil.

"It's actually easy to increase the power transfer distance by simply increasing the size of the coils," explained Urzhumov.

Urzhumov and his team want to drastically upgrade the system to make it more suitable for realistic power transfer scenarios such as charging mobile devices or other electrical devices as you move around in your home or in the neighborhood. 

What Happens in an Internet Minute?

What Happens in an Internet Minute?

What happens in an Internet minute? Today, the number of networked devices is equal to the global population. By 2015, the number of networked devices will be twice the global population.

See this info graphic by Intel which gives a snapshot of what happens in ‘an internet minute’.

What Happens In An Internet Minute?

Sunday 12 January 2014

How to turn your Windows 7 laptop into a wireless hotspot?

How to turn your Windows 7 laptop into a wireless hotspot

Sharing your Windows internet connection via software has traditionally been a tricky business.
There are programs that can help you do it, but they're often awkward to set up, and prone to complicated security and reliability issues, so most people don't even try.
But that could all be about to change, thanks to a new Windows 7 feature called Virtual Wi-Fi.
The idea is a simple one: the operating system can virtualise any compatible wireless adapter, to make it appear as though you've as many additional adapters as you need.
The effect is dramatic. Once it's set up, then any Wi-Fi compatible device that can connect to you - another desktop, laptop, or an iPod Touch, say - will immediately be able to get online, by sharing your internet connection through a duplicate of your wireless adapter.
Getting this working isn't too difficult, either, as long as you can get over the first hurdle: finding a virtual Wi-Fi-compatible driver for your wireless adapter.
Intel's latest 32-bit and 64-bit drivers now include support, as do various others for Atheros, Broadcom, Realtek and other big players, but these don't apply to every chipset. Check the support site for your wireless adapter to see what's available.
If you're in luck and manage to find and install an up-to-date Windows 7 driver for your adapter, then the next step is to set it up, and for that you'll need an elevated command prompt. Click Start, type CMD, right-click theCmd.exe link and select "Run as Administrator".
Now type the following command:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MyNet key=MyPassword
and press [Enter]. Replace "MyNet" with the name you'd like to use for your custom network, and "MyPassword" with a password that's a little harder to guess.
Still at the command line, type
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
and press [Enter] to fire up the virtual adapter.
Now click Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Centre > Change Adapter Settings, right-click your internet connection and select Properties. Click the Sharing tab, check "Allow other network users to connect...", choose your virtual Wi-Fi adaptor - and that's it.
Any nearby Wi-Fi enabled device should see a new network appear with the SSID you defined above. They'll be able to connect to it using your password, and can then immediately share your internet connection.
While it's worth knowing how to do this manually, if it's something you do often then you'll probably prefer a simpler solution.
You could speed things up a little by creating a batch file to run the netsh commands, perhaps, but for a really easy life we'd recommend you install Virtual Router. It's compact, free, and will automate the whole process for you with the minimum of hassle.



Wednesday 8 January 2014

Microsoft Virtual Academy...

Microsoft Virtual Academy(MVA) provides industry-leading skills to help bridge the skills gap.

The Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA) is a free online school with courses that cover Microsoft-related topics and specific Microsoft products.
The MVA offers a mix of on-demand courses and live events; each course contains a video and PDF download of the video transcript.  A self-assessment component is available at the end of each module. Students are awarded points and can move to different levels of recognition based on the progress they make.  Points are earned by watching videos, downloading video transcripts and self-assessment quizzes; the more points a member earns, the more opportunities she is given to participate in other MVA offerings. A leaderboard tracks the most active members. Although MVA offers free training for Microsoft certifications, members cannot earn certification directly through the Academy

Topics offered through the MVA include business intelligence (BI), server infrastructure,desktop management and device security, licensing, programming and cloud computing. The coursework is designed to help lifelong learners work more effectively with Microsoft Lync,SharePoint, System Center, Office 365, SQL Server, Visual Studio, Windows Azure, Windows Phone and Windows Intune.

Monday 6 January 2014

Windows Server 2012 Requirements

Windows Server 2012 Requirements

As you may all know, Windows Server 2012 is the first server OS from Microsoft that is cloud centric and virtualization focused. Microsoft went far as redesigning Active Directory Domain Services to allow for rapid deployment to the cloud. There are other cool new features such as Windows Server Manager Dashboard.  To get to the point, here are the software and hardware requirements for Windows Server 2012.
Minimal hardware requirements:
  • Processor: 1.4 GHZ x64 processor
  • RAM: 512MB
  • Diskspace: 33GB
  • Physical or virtual DVD Drive
  • VGA resolution adapter
  • Internet access for license activation
Note:-  That if you plan to run Hyper-V, you need compatible processor with Virtualization technology. Also, Only x64 guest OS is supported with SR-IOV and this requires hardware support.
Upgrade Requirements
Below are supported in-place upgrade paths:
  • Windows Server 2008 Standard => Windows Server 2012 Standard
  • Windows Server 2008 Enterprise => Windows Server 2012 Enterprise
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard => Windows Server 2012 Standard
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise => Windows Server 2012 Enterprise
<img src="file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/infotechguyz/windowsserver8/WindowsServer2008Setup" />

<img src="file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/infotechguyz/windowsserver8/WindowsServer2008Setup2" />

Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2012. 

This will help us you to understand what are the featured removed from the Server 2012.

Cluster.exeGood old cluster.exe will be replaced by failover cluster powershell cmdlets. Cluster.exe won’t be installed by default but it is an optional component. 32 bits DLL resources are no longer supported also.

XDDMHardwire drivers support XDDM has been removed in Windows Server 2012. You may still use the WDDM basic diplay only drive that is included in this OS.

Hyper-V TCP OffloadTCP offload feature for Hyper-V VMs will be removed. Guest OS will not able to use TCP chimney.

Token Rings
Token ring network support is removed in Windows Server 2012, who needs it anyway? SMB.sys this file has been removed, now OS uses the WSK, winsock kernel to provide the same service. NDIS 5.x NDIS 5.0,5.1 and 5.2 APIs is removed. NDIS 6 is supported.

VM Import/Export
In hyper-v, the import / export concept of transporting VM is replaced by “Register / Unregister” command / method.
SMTP SMTP and the associated management tools are deprecated. you should begin using System.Net.Smtp. With this API, you will not be able to insert a message into a file for pickup; instead configure Web apps to connect on port 25 to another server using SMTP. 

WMI Namespaces
SNMP service and its WMI components will be remoced.
Win32_serverfeature namespace is removed.
wmic command line tool is now replaced with get-wmiobject..

Top 5 Priorities For Indian CIOs In 2014

Top 5 Priorities For Indian CIOs In 2014
By Manan M
Added 22nd November 2013
According to a recent survey conducted by IBM India, most CIOs are looking to invest in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud. Here are the top 5 CIO priorities in 2014.

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CIOs, CMOs, CTOs and other decision-makers across various verticals, indicates that about 57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies while 67.4 per cent expressed personal interest in owning this technology, according to a recent survey conducted by IBM India. Almost 47 per cent of the respondents perceived IT investments in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud as imperative.
Besides planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile technology, 63 per cent of the respondents from the survey believed that Cloud computing is an area where they are likely to make their IT investments. Additionally, 53 per cent of the leaders think that Big Data and Analytics is the area which needs adaptation in a large scale.
“The next big thing in IT that we would like to leverage is this entire idea of Social Business. And as the CIO of my organization, I believe that the way to optimize this is through Big Data and Analytics. What we have today is access to information, where we can connect with people and businesses with similar problems and look for solutions together,” said Viral Gandhi, CIO,  Cox and Kings.
“Data is indeed the basis of competition in this new era. The business will have competitive advantage from Big Data, and the insights from this data. Access to cloud infrastructures, mobile devices and social networks will also benefit businesses. This is also paving new ways of working for Enterprises in India – one that is flexible, innovative and collaborative,” added Satish Kotian, CIO, Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.
Top CIO priorities:
1) BYOD and Mobile Technology is next wave for CIOs
57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies followed by 46.9 per cent each in Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics. Hardware Optimization and Virtualization is catching eyeballs with 42.9 per cent interest of enterprises across India.67.4 per cent CIOs have expressed personal interest in owning BYOD and other mobile technologies Cloud Computing has shown interest to 63.3 per cent CIOs followed by 53.1  per cent CIOs, likely to own Data Analytics.
2) Collaborative decision-making
36.7 per cent CIOs said they reap maximum benefits from the existing resources, while 44.9 per cent CIOs believe in gradually building the field. They work towards a proper consensus amongst the team to be able to take effective business decision. 18.4 per cent CIOs prefer change and are open to drastic reorganization in their company.
3) CIOs are more aggressive and informative – to keep pace with the market
51 per cent CIOs keeps ears to the ground by keeping themselves updated about the relevant information. They Seek reference from past case histories, demos and proofs as well as constantly learning from people's experiences in similar industries. Considering new and challenging solutions without waiting for proofs, 26.5 per cent CIOs are mostly eager to experiment while 22.5 per cent CIOs are reaching out to people who have encountered similar problems and understanding the proven IT solutions deployed to overcome organizational problems.
4) Ideation is the next business wave
More than 51 per centCIOs are open to experimenting with new ideas followed by 40.8 per cent who wants to stay methodological and 8.2 per cent who wants to work as a silent team player.
5) Detailing and Collaboration is important
51 per cent CIOs believe in perfection hence wants their team to be collaborative and goes for a detailed orientation, 38 per cent CIOs believes wants their team to be courageous and insightful. 10 per cent CIOs prefer to work with a calculative and balanced team.
- See more at:
According to a recent survey conducted by IBM India, most CIOs are looking to invest in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud. Here are the top 5 CIO priorities in 2014. - See more at:
According to a recent survey conducted by IBM India, most CIOs are looking to invest in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud. Here are the top 5 CIO priorities in 2014. - See more at:
By Manan M
Added 22nd November 2013
According to a recent survey conducted by IBM India, most CIOs are looking to invest in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud. Here are the top 5 CIO priorities in 2014.

Related articles
CIOs, CMOs, CTOs and other decision-makers across various verticals, indicates that about 57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies while 67.4 per cent expressed personal interest in owning this technology, according to a recent survey conducted by IBM India. Almost 47 per cent of the respondents perceived IT investments in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud as imperative.
Besides planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile technology, 63 per cent of the respondents from the survey believed that Cloud computing is an area where they are likely to make their IT investments. Additionally, 53 per cent of the leaders think that Big Data and Analytics is the area which needs adaptation in a large scale.
“The next big thing in IT that we would like to leverage is this entire idea of Social Business. And as the CIO of my organization, I believe that the way to optimize this is through Big Data and Analytics. What we have today is access to information, where we can connect with people and businesses with similar problems and look for solutions together,” said Viral Gandhi, CIO,  Cox and Kings.
“Data is indeed the basis of competition in this new era. The business will have competitive advantage from Big Data, and the insights from this data. Access to cloud infrastructures, mobile devices and social networks will also benefit businesses. This is also paving new ways of working for Enterprises in India – one that is flexible, innovative and collaborative,” added Satish Kotian, CIO, Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.
Top CIO priorities:
1) BYOD and Mobile Technology is next wave for CIOs
57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies followed by 46.9 per cent each in Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics. Hardware Optimization and Virtualization is catching eyeballs with 42.9 per cent interest of enterprises across India.67.4 per cent CIOs have expressed personal interest in owning BYOD and other mobile technologies Cloud Computing has shown interest to 63.3 per cent CIOs followed by 53.1  per cent CIOs, likely to own Data Analytics.
2) Collaborative decision-making
36.7 per cent CIOs said they reap maximum benefits from the existing resources, while 44.9 per cent CIOs believe in gradually building the field. They work towards a proper consensus amongst the team to be able to take effective business decision. 18.4 per cent CIOs prefer change and are open to drastic reorganization in their company.
3) CIOs are more aggressive and informative – to keep pace with the market
51 per cent CIOs keeps ears to the ground by keeping themselves updated about the relevant information. They Seek reference from past case histories, demos and proofs as well as constantly learning from people's experiences in similar industries. Considering new and challenging solutions without waiting for proofs, 26.5 per cent CIOs are mostly eager to experiment while 22.5 per cent CIOs are reaching out to people who have encountered similar problems and understanding the proven IT solutions deployed to overcome organizational problems.
4) Ideation is the next business wave
More than 51 per centCIOs are open to experimenting with new ideas followed by 40.8 per cent who wants to stay methodological and 8.2 per cent who wants to work as a silent team player.
5) Detailing and Collaboration is important
51 per cent CIOs believe in perfection hence wants their team to be collaborative and goes for a detailed orientation, 38 per cent CIOs believes wants their team to be courageous and insightful. 10 per cent CIOs prefer to work with a calculative and balanced team.
- See more at:
By Manan M
Added 22nd November 2013
According to a recent survey conducted by IBM India, most CIOs are looking to invest in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud. Here are the top 5 CIO priorities in 2014.

Related articles
CIOs, CMOs, CTOs and other decision-makers across various verticals, indicates that about 57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies while 67.4 per cent expressed personal interest in owning this technology, according to a recent survey conducted by IBM India. Almost 47 per cent of the respondents perceived IT investments in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud as imperative.
Besides planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile technology, 63 per cent of the respondents from the survey believed that Cloud computing is an area where they are likely to make their IT investments. Additionally, 53 per cent of the leaders think that Big Data and Analytics is the area which needs adaptation in a large scale.
“The next big thing in IT that we would like to leverage is this entire idea of Social Business. And as the CIO of my organization, I believe that the way to optimize this is through Big Data and Analytics. What we have today is access to information, where we can connect with people and businesses with similar problems and look for solutions together,” said Viral Gandhi, CIO,  Cox and Kings.
“Data is indeed the basis of competition in this new era. The business will have competitive advantage from Big Data, and the insights from this data. Access to cloud infrastructures, mobile devices and social networks will also benefit businesses. This is also paving new ways of working for Enterprises in India – one that is flexible, innovative and collaborative,” added Satish Kotian, CIO, Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.
Top CIO priorities:
1) BYOD and Mobile Technology is next wave for CIOs
57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies followed by 46.9 per cent each in Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics. Hardware Optimization and Virtualization is catching eyeballs with 42.9 per cent interest of enterprises across India.67.4 per cent CIOs have expressed personal interest in owning BYOD and other mobile technologies Cloud Computing has shown interest to 63.3 per cent CIOs followed by 53.1  per cent CIOs, likely to own Data Analytics.
2) Collaborative decision-making
36.7 per cent CIOs said they reap maximum benefits from the existing resources, while 44.9 per cent CIOs believe in gradually building the field. They work towards a proper consensus amongst the team to be able to take effective business decision. 18.4 per cent CIOs prefer change and are open to drastic reorganization in their company.
3) CIOs are more aggressive and informative – to keep pace with the market
51 per cent CIOs keeps ears to the ground by keeping themselves updated about the relevant information. They Seek reference from past case histories, demos and proofs as well as constantly learning from people's experiences in similar industries. Considering new and challenging solutions without waiting for proofs, 26.5 per cent CIOs are mostly eager to experiment while 22.5 per cent CIOs are reaching out to people who have encountered similar problems and understanding the proven IT solutions deployed to overcome organizational problems.
4) Ideation is the next business wave
More than 51 per centCIOs are open to experimenting with new ideas followed by 40.8 per cent who wants to stay methodological and 8.2 per cent who wants to work as a silent team player.
5) Detailing and Collaboration is important
51 per cent CIOs believe in perfection hence wants their team to be collaborative and goes for a detailed orientation, 38 per cent CIOs believes wants their team to be courageous and insightful. 10 per cent CIOs prefer to work with a calculative and balanced team.
- See more at:
By Manan M
Added 22nd November 2013
According to a recent survey conducted by IBM India, most CIOs are looking to invest in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud. Here are the top 5 CIO priorities in 2014.

Related articles
CIOs, CMOs, CTOs and other decision-makers across various verticals, indicates that about 57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies while 67.4 per cent expressed personal interest in owning this technology, according to a recent survey conducted by IBM India. Almost 47 per cent of the respondents perceived IT investments in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud as imperative.
Besides planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile technology, 63 per cent of the respondents from the survey believed that Cloud computing is an area where they are likely to make their IT investments. Additionally, 53 per cent of the leaders think that Big Data and Analytics is the area which needs adaptation in a large scale.
“The next big thing in IT that we would like to leverage is this entire idea of Social Business. And as the CIO of my organization, I believe that the way to optimize this is through Big Data and Analytics. What we have today is access to information, where we can connect with people and businesses with similar problems and look for solutions together,” said Viral Gandhi, CIO,  Cox and Kings.
“Data is indeed the basis of competition in this new era. The business will have competitive advantage from Big Data, and the insights from this data. Access to cloud infrastructures, mobile devices and social networks will also benefit businesses. This is also paving new ways of working for Enterprises in India – one that is flexible, innovative and collaborative,” added Satish Kotian, CIO, Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.
Top CIO priorities:
1) BYOD and Mobile Technology is next wave for CIOs
57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies followed by 46.9 per cent each in Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics. Hardware Optimization and Virtualization is catching eyeballs with 42.9 per cent interest of enterprises across India.67.4 per cent CIOs have expressed personal interest in owning BYOD and other mobile technologies Cloud Computing has shown interest to 63.3 per cent CIOs followed by 53.1  per cent CIOs, likely to own Data Analytics.
2) Collaborative decision-making
36.7 per cent CIOs said they reap maximum benefits from the existing resources, while 44.9 per cent CIOs believe in gradually building the field. They work towards a proper consensus amongst the team to be able to take effective business decision. 18.4 per cent CIOs prefer change and are open to drastic reorganization in their company.
3) CIOs are more aggressive and informative – to keep pace with the market
51 per cent CIOs keeps ears to the ground by keeping themselves updated about the relevant information. They Seek reference from past case histories, demos and proofs as well as constantly learning from people's experiences in similar industries. Considering new and challenging solutions without waiting for proofs, 26.5 per cent CIOs are mostly eager to experiment while 22.5 per cent CIOs are reaching out to people who have encountered similar problems and understanding the proven IT solutions deployed to overcome organizational problems.
4) Ideation is the next business wave
More than 51 per centCIOs are open to experimenting with new ideas followed by 40.8 per cent who wants to stay methodological and 8.2 per cent who wants to work as a silent team player.
5) Detailing and Collaboration is important
51 per cent CIOs believe in perfection hence wants their team to be collaborative and goes for a detailed orientation, 38 per cent CIOs believes wants their team to be courageous and insightful. 10 per cent CIOs prefer to work with a calculative and balanced team.
- See more at:
By Manan M
Added 22nd November 2013
According to a recent survey conducted by IBM India, most CIOs are looking to invest in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud. Here are the top 5 CIO priorities in 2014.

Related articles
CIOs, CMOs, CTOs and other decision-makers across various verticals, indicates that about 57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies while 67.4 per cent expressed personal interest in owning this technology, according to a recent survey conducted by IBM India. Almost 47 per cent of the respondents perceived IT investments in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud as imperative.
Besides planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile technology, 63 per cent of the respondents from the survey believed that Cloud computing is an area where they are likely to make their IT investments. Additionally, 53 per cent of the leaders think that Big Data and Analytics is the area which needs adaptation in a large scale.
“The next big thing in IT that we would like to leverage is this entire idea of Social Business. And as the CIO of my organization, I believe that the way to optimize this is through Big Data and Analytics. What we have today is access to information, where we can connect with people and businesses with similar problems and look for solutions together,” said Viral Gandhi, CIO,  Cox and Kings.
“Data is indeed the basis of competition in this new era. The business will have competitive advantage from Big Data, and the insights from this data. Access to cloud infrastructures, mobile devices and social networks will also benefit businesses. This is also paving new ways of working for Enterprises in India – one that is flexible, innovative and collaborative,” added Satish Kotian, CIO, Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.
Top CIO priorities:
1) BYOD and Mobile Technology is next wave for CIOs
57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies followed by 46.9 per cent each in Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics. Hardware Optimization and Virtualization is catching eyeballs with 42.9 per cent interest of enterprises across India.67.4 per cent CIOs have expressed personal interest in owning BYOD and other mobile technologies Cloud Computing has shown interest to 63.3 per cent CIOs followed by 53.1  per cent CIOs, likely to own Data Analytics.
2) Collaborative decision-making
36.7 per cent CIOs said they reap maximum benefits from the existing resources, while 44.9 per cent CIOs believe in gradually building the field. They work towards a proper consensus amongst the team to be able to take effective business decision. 18.4 per cent CIOs prefer change and are open to drastic reorganization in their company.
3) CIOs are more aggressive and informative – to keep pace with the market
51 per cent CIOs keeps ears to the ground by keeping themselves updated about the relevant information. They Seek reference from past case histories, demos and proofs as well as constantly learning from people's experiences in similar industries. Considering new and challenging solutions without waiting for proofs, 26.5 per cent CIOs are mostly eager to experiment while 22.5 per cent CIOs are reaching out to people who have encountered similar problems and understanding the proven IT solutions deployed to overcome organizational problems.
4) Ideation is the next business wave
More than 51 per centCIOs are open to experimenting with new ideas followed by 40.8 per cent who wants to stay methodological and 8.2 per cent who wants to work as a silent team player.
5) Detailing and Collaboration is important
51 per cent CIOs believe in perfection hence wants their team to be collaborative and goes for a detailed orientation, 38 per cent CIOs believes wants their team to be courageous and insightful. 10 per cent CIOs prefer to work with a calculative and balanced team.
- See more at:
By Manan M
Added 22nd November 2013
According to a recent survey conducted by IBM India, most CIOs are looking to invest in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud. Here are the top 5 CIO priorities in 2014.

Related articles
CIOs, CMOs, CTOs and other decision-makers across various verticals, indicates that about 57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies while 67.4 per cent expressed personal interest in owning this technology, according to a recent survey conducted by IBM India. Almost 47 per cent of the respondents perceived IT investments in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud as imperative.
Besides planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile technology, 63 per cent of the respondents from the survey believed that Cloud computing is an area where they are likely to make their IT investments. Additionally, 53 per cent of the leaders think that Big Data and Analytics is the area which needs adaptation in a large scale.
“The next big thing in IT that we would like to leverage is this entire idea of Social Business. And as the CIO of my organization, I believe that the way to optimize this is through Big Data and Analytics. What we have today is access to information, where we can connect with people and businesses with similar problems and look for solutions together,” said Viral Gandhi, CIO,  Cox and Kings.
“Data is indeed the basis of competition in this new era. The business will have competitive advantage from Big Data, and the insights from this data. Access to cloud infrastructures, mobile devices and social networks will also benefit businesses. This is also paving new ways of working for Enterprises in India – one that is flexible, innovative and collaborative,” added Satish Kotian, CIO, Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.
Top CIO priorities:
1) BYOD and Mobile Technology is next wave for CIOs
57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies followed by 46.9 per cent each in Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics. Hardware Optimization and Virtualization is catching eyeballs with 42.9 per cent interest of enterprises across India.67.4 per cent CIOs have expressed personal interest in owning BYOD and other mobile technologies Cloud Computing has shown interest to 63.3 per cent CIOs followed by 53.1  per cent CIOs, likely to own Data Analytics.
2) Collaborative decision-making
36.7 per cent CIOs said they reap maximum benefits from the existing resources, while 44.9 per cent CIOs believe in gradually building the field. They work towards a proper consensus amongst the team to be able to take effective business decision. 18.4 per cent CIOs prefer change and are open to drastic reorganization in their company.
3) CIOs are more aggressive and informative – to keep pace with the market
51 per cent CIOs keeps ears to the ground by keeping themselves updated about the relevant information. They Seek reference from past case histories, demos and proofs as well as constantly learning from people's experiences in similar industries. Considering new and challenging solutions without waiting for proofs, 26.5 per cent CIOs are mostly eager to experiment while 22.5 per cent CIOs are reaching out to people who have encountered similar problems and understanding the proven IT solutions deployed to overcome organizational problems.
4) Ideation is the next business wave
More than 51 per centCIOs are open to experimenting with new ideas followed by 40.8 per cent who wants to stay methodological and 8.2 per cent who wants to work as a silent team player.
5) Detailing and Collaboration is important
51 per cent CIOs believe in perfection hence wants their team to be collaborative and goes for a detailed orientation, 38 per cent CIOs believes wants their team to be courageous and insightful. 10 per cent CIOs prefer to work with a calculative and balanced team.
- See more at:
By Manan M
Added 22nd November 2013
According to a recent survey conducted by IBM India, most CIOs are looking to invest in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud. Here are the top 5 CIO priorities in 2014.

Related articles
CIOs, CMOs, CTOs and other decision-makers across various verticals, indicates that about 57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies while 67.4 per cent expressed personal interest in owning this technology, according to a recent survey conducted by IBM India. Almost 47 per cent of the respondents perceived IT investments in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud as imperative.
Besides planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile technology, 63 per cent of the respondents from the survey believed that Cloud computing is an area where they are likely to make their IT investments. Additionally, 53 per cent of the leaders think that Big Data and Analytics is the area which needs adaptation in a large scale.
“The next big thing in IT that we would like to leverage is this entire idea of Social Business. And as the CIO of my organization, I believe that the way to optimize this is through Big Data and Analytics. What we have today is access to information, where we can connect with people and businesses with similar problems and look for solutions together,” said Viral Gandhi, CIO,  Cox and Kings.
“Data is indeed the basis of competition in this new era. The business will have competitive advantage from Big Data, and the insights from this data. Access to cloud infrastructures, mobile devices and social networks will also benefit businesses. This is also paving new ways of working for Enterprises in India – one that is flexible, innovative and collaborative,” added Satish Kotian, CIO, Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.
Top CIO priorities:
1) BYOD and Mobile Technology is next wave for CIOs
57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies followed by 46.9 per cent each in Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics. Hardware Optimization and Virtualization is catching eyeballs with 42.9 per cent interest of enterprises across India.67.4 per cent CIOs have expressed personal interest in owning BYOD and other mobile technologies Cloud Computing has shown interest to 63.3 per cent CIOs followed by 53.1  per cent CIOs, likely to own Data Analytics.
2) Collaborative decision-making
36.7 per cent CIOs said they reap maximum benefits from the existing resources, while 44.9 per cent CIOs believe in gradually building the field. They work towards a proper consensus amongst the team to be able to take effective business decision. 18.4 per cent CIOs prefer change and are open to drastic reorganization in their company.
3) CIOs are more aggressive and informative – to keep pace with the market
51 per cent CIOs keeps ears to the ground by keeping themselves updated about the relevant information. They Seek reference from past case histories, demos and proofs as well as constantly learning from people's experiences in similar industries. Considering new and challenging solutions without waiting for proofs, 26.5 per cent CIOs are mostly eager to experiment while 22.5 per cent CIOs are reaching out to people who have encountered similar problems and understanding the proven IT solutions deployed to overcome organizational problems.
4) Ideation is the next business wave
More than 51 per centCIOs are open to experimenting with new ideas followed by 40.8 per cent who wants to stay methodological and 8.2 per cent who wants to work as a silent team player.
5) Detailing and Collaboration is important
51 per cent CIOs believe in perfection hence wants their team to be collaborative and goes for a detailed orientation, 38 per cent CIOs believes wants their team to be courageous and insightful. 10 per cent CIOs prefer to work with a calculative and balanced team.
- See more at:
By Manan M
Added 22nd November 2013
According to a recent survey conducted by IBM India, most CIOs are looking to invest in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud. Here are the top 5 CIO priorities in 2014.

Related articles
CIOs, CMOs, CTOs and other decision-makers across various verticals, indicates that about 57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies while 67.4 per cent expressed personal interest in owning this technology, according to a recent survey conducted by IBM India. Almost 47 per cent of the respondents perceived IT investments in Big Data, Analytics and Cloud as imperative.
Besides planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile technology, 63 per cent of the respondents from the survey believed that Cloud computing is an area where they are likely to make their IT investments. Additionally, 53 per cent of the leaders think that Big Data and Analytics is the area which needs adaptation in a large scale.
“The next big thing in IT that we would like to leverage is this entire idea of Social Business. And as the CIO of my organization, I believe that the way to optimize this is through Big Data and Analytics. What we have today is access to information, where we can connect with people and businesses with similar problems and look for solutions together,” said Viral Gandhi, CIO,  Cox and Kings.
“Data is indeed the basis of competition in this new era. The business will have competitive advantage from Big Data, and the insights from this data. Access to cloud infrastructures, mobile devices and social networks will also benefit businesses. This is also paving new ways of working for Enterprises in India – one that is flexible, innovative and collaborative,” added Satish Kotian, CIO, Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.
Top CIO priorities:
1) BYOD and Mobile Technology is next wave for CIOs
57 per cent of enterprises are planning to invest in BYOD and Mobile Technology for their companies followed by 46.9 per cent each in Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics. Hardware Optimization and Virtualization is catching eyeballs with 42.9 per cent interest of enterprises across India.67.4 per cent CIOs have expressed personal interest in owning BYOD and other mobile technologies Cloud Computing has shown interest to 63.3 per cent CIOs followed by 53.1  per cent CIOs, likely to own Data Analytics.
2) Collaborative decision-making
36.7 per cent CIOs said they reap maximum benefits from the existing resources, while 44.9 per cent CIOs believe in gradually building the field. They work towards a proper consensus amongst the team to be able to take effective business decision. 18.4 per cent CIOs prefer change and are open to drastic reorganization in their company.
3) CIOs are more aggressive and informative – to keep pace with the market
51 per cent CIOs keeps ears to the ground by keeping themselves updated about the relevant information. They Seek reference from past case histories, demos and proofs as well as constantly learning from people's experiences in similar industries. Considering new and challenging solutions without waiting for proofs, 26.5 per cent CIOs are mostly eager to experiment while 22.5 per cent CIOs are reaching out to people who have encountered similar problems and understanding the proven IT solutions deployed to overcome organizational problems.
4) Ideation is the next business wave
More than 51 per centCIOs are open to experimenting with new ideas followed by 40.8 per cent who wants to stay methodological and 8.2 per cent who wants to work as a silent team player.
5) Detailing and Collaboration is important
51 per cent CIOs believe in perfection hence wants their team to be collaborative and goes for a detailed orientation, 38 per cent CIOs believes wants their team to be courageous and insightful. 10 per cent CIOs prefer to work with a calculative and balanced team.
- See more at:
Top 5 Priorities For Indian CIOs In 2014
Top 5 Priorities For Indian CIOs In 2014
Top 5 Priorities For Indian CIOs In 2014

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