Monday 29 February 2016

Expenses allowed to be deducted while computing Income Tax

Any amount which has been paid for the purpose of earning revenue is allowed to be deducted as an expense. A few examples of the expenses allowed are as follows:-
  • Domain Hosting Expense, Domain Purchase Expense, Blog Designing Expense etc
  • Rent Expense
  • Electricity Expense/ Telephone Expense/ Internet Expense/ Water Expense
  • Salary to Employees
  • Payment to Freelance Consultants
  • Petrol/ Diesel Expenses
  • Any other expense incurred for the purpose of earning Revenue
Here, you are requested to note that only those expenses incurred for the purpose of earning Revenue are allowed to be deducted as an expense. For e.g.: If you invite a client for a meeting in a 5 star hotel, the payment made to the 5 star hotel is allowed to be deducted as an expense as this meeting would help you in increasing your business and would help you earn extra income. It is irrelevant whether you get extra business from this meeting or not, the point to be taken into account is that this expense was incurred for the purpose of gaining extra business.
But, if you go to a 5 Star Hotel for your personal purpose and not for business purpose, it would not be allowed to be deducted as an expense.
For the purpose of claiming these expenses, you are also required to provide proof of such expenses. Therefore, you are required to maintain a file showing bills of all the expenses incurred.

Depreciation on Assets
For the purpose of earning revenue, bloggers also purchase some assets. So for the purpose of earning revenue, if you’ve purchased any assets like mobile/ laptop/ car/ office furniture etc you are also allowed to reduce this form of expense incurred for the computation of total income.
However, the benefit arising from the expense incurred on the above mentioned assets would be arising for more than 1 year as these assets usually have a life span of more than 1 year. As the benefit would be arising for more than 1 year, the expense incurred shall also be attributed to more than 1 year.
In such cases where the expense has been incurred for purchase of any Asset, you are not allowed to claim the whole expense at one go. The total expenditure incurred for purchasing the asset is allocated over the life of the asset and you are allowed to claim this expenditure proportionately over the life of the asset. This can be explained with the help of an example below:-
For e.g.: If you purchase a laptop for Rs. 30,000 and the expected life of the laptop is 3 years, you cannot claim the whole Rs. 30,000 as an expense in one year as the life of the Asset is more than 1 year and this laptop would be giving you benefits for more than 1 year. In this case you would only be allowed to claim Rs. 10,000 (i.e. Rs. 30,000/3)
This method of proportionately claiming an expense based on the life of the Asset is called depreciation of asset. You are required to show the proof of expenditures made on purchase of Assets by showing requisite bills for the same.
Please Note: The Individual cannot himself decide the life of an asset and the Govt has already pre-defined the life of all the Assets.

Deductions allowed for Specified Investments
To promote the habit of savings amongst taxpayers and to channelize the resources in the right direction, the Govt also allows for Deduction for amount invested in specified investments. If a taxpayer makes an Investment in any of the Investment Options as specified by the Govt., he shall be allowed to claim deduction for the same. Income Tax would be levied on the amount so arrived after reducing the Deductions from the Gross Total Income.
Deductions for Investments made in specified Instruments are allowed and the most popular forms of Investment for claiming Deductions are Mutual Funds, PPF Accounts, Life Insurance Premium, Health Insurance Premium etc. The whole lists of Investments which are allowed to be claimed as a Deduction are given here.

Exemption from Payment of Income Tax
If the Total Taxable Income after deducting all expenses, depreciation & deductions allowed is less than the minimum income which is chargeable to tax, the individual is not mandatorily  required to file his income tax return.
As per the current Income Tax Slabs, no tax is payable if the Total Taxable Income of an Individual is less than Rs. 2,00,000. Therefore after deducting everything stated above, if the Total Taxable Income is less than Rs. 2,00,000 he is not mandatorily required to file his Income Tax Return and it is optional for him to file his Income Tax Return.
In cases wherein it is optional for the taxpayer to file his income tax return and he still files his Income Tax Return, in such cases he will file an Income Tax Return stating that the Tax payable by him is Nil.
PAN Card for filing Income Tax Return and Payment of Taxes
In India, there are many people by the same name. Let’s take the case of Harsh Agrawal. There are many people in India by the name of Harsh Agrawal. So if Harsh Agrawal goes and pays his Income Tax, how would the govt come to know which Harsh Agrawal has paid the tax?

So as to avoid this confusion, the govt issues a PAN Card to every taxpayer. PAN Card is a unique no allotted to every taxpayer. Only 1 PAN Card No is issued per person and for each Harsh Agrawal in this country, the PAN Card No would be different and it is through the PAN Card No that the govt would come to know which Harsh Agarwal has paid his Income Tax.
Every taxpayer has to apply for a PAN card no and this application can be made online as well. This is a one-time process and the PAN card no allotted to you would stay the same throughout your lifetime. Applying for pan card is a fairly easy process and application for the same can be made online as well as offline. The Charges for applying for a PAN card are very nominal and are Rs. 96 only.
The request for applying for a PAN Card is required to be made in Form 49A and online request for PAN Card No can be made through the TIN Portal on the NSDL Website. You are requested to note here that without PAN Card No. you cannot pay Income Tax.
As against popular belief, I would here also like to clarify that it’s not necessary for you to be 18 years of age to be applying for a PAN Card. You can apply for a PAN Card even before you are 18 years of age and this income would be counted as your income and not your parents income as you are earning this income out of your own skill.

Due Date for Payment of Income Tax
Every taxpayer is required to make payment of income tax during the year itself in which the income is earned. He is required to make the payment in instalments during the Year if the total tax payable during the year is more than Rs. 10,000.

Saturday 27 February 2016

.NET Web Forms vs. MVC: Which is Better?

A lot of fuss is being made lately about whether Microsoft's relatively new Model View Controller (MVC) technology should automatically supplant .NET Web Forms as the superior web application development technology. There is no clear-cut answer, and rightly so; they both provide different means to reach the same end. Even Scott Guthrie of the MVC development team stated that, "Different customers look for different programming approaches, and a lot love Web Forms and think it is great. Others love MVC and think it is great. That is why we are investing in both". Below, I have tried to highlight some positives and negatives of both frameworks. This is not an attempt to sway you one way or the other, but rather to possibly provide a broader understanding of why the two frameworks exist as viable options for your company's development needs.

What Are .NET Web Forms?

The idea of .NET Web Forms was born from an attempt to address the ever looming issue implicit in the development of classic ASP web sites. Classic ASP pages housed both the web code and the accompanying code-behind logic in one location: the ASP page. In that way, pages could very easily become long spaghetti-code filled documents that often would become unreadable and unmaintainable. For example, the code to handle page submissions was contained in the same page that would subsequently either redirect the user or need to remain on the current page, but would simply show a different section of the page. This type of event handling was unwieldy.
To address this concern, Microsoft attempted to bring their successful, more event-driven, "visual" windows-application development methodology to web development. As a result, they created a framework that worked more like the popular Visual Basic or Visual C++ desktop / forms development. Suddenly, developers could decouple view code from logic code by having most of their web controls on one page and then have all of the code-behind, "smarts" of the page, contained in a completely separate page.

Advantages of .NET Web Forms

  • RAD – Rapid Application Development

    • The mechanisms behind how controls and pages work within an event-driven structure are abstracted out so that the developer generally does not need to know the inner workings of the process
    • Drag & Drop controls provide most of the functionality right out of the box. 3rd party solutions are readily available, and control like Grids generate the HTML and JavaScript for the developer
    • Applications, complete with validation, can be quickly developed by simply setting properties on controls
    • Easy for newbies to "pick up and run" with web application development
  • Cost

    • Being the older, more legacy framework, most .NET web developers have experience with Web Forms, or more specifically the desktop application event driven framework from which it was derived - there is a smaller learning curve implicit in learning the Web Forms framework
  • More Mature

    • Like the old joke goes, "no matter how old you are I'll always be younger". Even though MVC is a younger .NET technology (the paradigm methodology, though, has been around for a while), Web Forms was here first and has a larger and more robust legacy implementation

Disadvantages of .NET Web Forms

  • Very little control over HTML produced on the page

    • The ability to simply drag & drop controls enables rapid application development (RAD), but the drawback is that the developer has very little control over what HTML is actually produced on the page
    • Initially, a pretty big issue with Web Forms was not being able to control the HTML produced on the page, meaning that control ID generation was sometimes after-the fact guess work
      • ID management becomes compromised and using client side frameworks like jQuery become more difficult in that control ID's, or even control nesting / hierarchies, are not always consistent
      • Even though Microsoft has taken steps to improve this in the latest release of MVC, not enough time has passed to determine if they've truly resolved this issue
  • Web Forms Life Cycle

    • How many developers truly know the full extent of the Web Forms lifecycle? A lot of developers must become acquainted with the more esoteric lifecycle events as a result of needing to "hook" into 3rd party controls

What is MVC?

The MVC design pattern was not invented by Microsoft. Rather, it has been around for upwards of 30 years, having been first introduced around 1979. Since then, the methodology has been implemented by such well known platforms as Ruby on RailsApple's Cocoa and Apache Struts. Only relatively recently has Microsoft added the MVC design, building atop the .NET framework. As a result, .NET developers have the option to develop applications within the existing .NET world they already know but can eschew the lack of overall control offered by the drag & drop of Web Forms. With MVC they can embrace the same separation of concern (SOC) paradigm that has already proven to be successful in other frameworks. Admittedly, not all MVC implementations are exactly the same, with slight differences existing between the different frameworks. For example, Microsoft's implementation of MVC more closely resembles Rails and Django rather than either Apple's Cocoa or even the original implementation of MVC, Smalltalk-80.

Advantages of MVC

  • Multiple Forms

    • Web forms do not allow for multiple forms on a page, whereas MVC allows for any number of forms on the page
  • Similar to other established, non-Microsoft Frameworks

    • Developers with backgrounds in PHP, Ruby, or Python, will find architectural and event methodologies similarities to those implemented in MVC
  • Adheres to the "stateless" nature of the web

    • One big advantage is that Session[] usage is minimized so that the URL's now become the drivers behind data maintenance. For example, because an MVC application will pass data parameters via the URL or the View binding, the potential "crutch" of using and maintaining Session[] variables is virtually eliminated.
  • Test Driven Development (TDD)

    • TDD is facilitated much more easily
  • Separation of Concern (SOC)

    • SOC is encouraged and easier to implement

Disadvantages of MVC

  • HTML & CSS skills must be resurrected

    • Oddly, one disadvantage is that the developer needs to be fairly competent in HTML and CSS, including dynamically modifying the DOM, styles and client-side events
      • The Views are HTML structures that are written from scratch by the developer
      • Web Forms and their drag & drop controls abstract out this process to the point of automatically creating nearly all the necessary HTML needed to display what is needed, including the accompanying client-side functionality
      • MVC requires the developer to understand how the client-side code and HTML all play together, thereby ensuring consistent, controlled code
  • MVC is still "relatively" new

    • There is the potential added cost of either having in-house developers learn the new MVC framework or needing to pay for outside vendors to provide the work
No one solution is an absolute better choice than the other. The application framework should be chosen based upon the needs and resources of the company doing the development. If you have a development cycle that requires faster than expected turnaround, then Web Forms might be the best option for your company. If your development project has the time, money, and energy to develop an application from the ground up then MVC could potentially be the better option. Again, neither framework is the definite best option, but one could potentially be a better for your development team structure and resources. Segue has extensive experience with both frameworks and would be more than happy to help consult on your development decisions.

Friday 26 February 2016

Essentials for .NET Developers

If you are a .NET developer curious about what is SharePoint and want to get started with SharePoint development, you should check out The SharePoint Developer Introduction for .NET Developers resource set announced today at Tech Ed. This is a new set of webcasts, virtual labs, screencasts, presentations, demos, white papers, hands on labs, and resources that show you how to build enterprise solutions using different SharePoint components such as:
  • Web Parts
  • Data Lists
  • Event Handlers
  • Workflow
  • Silverlight
  • Page Navigation
  • Page Branding
  • Web Services
  • Custom Content Types
  • User Management
You should take a look at the The SharePoint Developer Introduction for .NET Developers Web site to find pointers to learning resources for all of the components listed previously. You should also check out Paul Andrew's blog post about the new set of SharePoint Developer Webcasts that provide introductory SharePoint developer topics for .NET developers.
Also, if you want to learn more about the big picture, see a roadmap, and get an overview of SharePoint Products and Technologies, you should read Introduction to SharePoint Products and Technologies for the Professional .NET Developer. This  is an MSDN article that explores the extensible solution platform of SharePoint Products and Technologies and opportunities for its use in .NET development. It shows how developers experienced with the .NET Framework can take advantage of the built-in features and capabilities offered by SharePoint Products and Technologies to expand their existing knowledge, and build enterprise-scale Web-based solutions to reach the growing SharePoint audience.

Paul and I wrote this article together hoping it could help you to learn more and get started with SharePoint development. We hope you enjoy this paper and all the different SharePoint for .NET developers learning resources announced today.

Thursday 25 February 2016

What’s coming in the latest 2016 release of Illustrator CC

The first three new features work in concert to bring new speed and flexibility when you’re working with the fundamental building blocks for creating beautiful vector graphics: the Illustrator shape tools.
Shaper tool — This completely new way of working lets you draw with loose, natural gestures that magically transform into perfect geometric shapes. Using the same tool – no need to switch to selection tools or other tools or panels – you can then combine, delete, fill and transform these basic shapes with quick scrubbing gestures to create beautiful, complex designs that stay fully editable. The Shaper tool works with the traditional Illustrator workspaces as well as the Touch workspace.
Shaper tool in Illustrator CC
New Live Shapes: Ellipses, Polygons and Lines —More of the Illustrator Shape tools are now fully live, interactive and dynamically adjustable, so you can quickly craft vector shapes without having to apply effects or use other tools or panels.
New Live Shapes in Illustrator CC
Work more visually with Smart Guides — Enhanced Smart Guides let you perfectly align and space objects as you draw and move them, and new hinting helps you draw perfect shapes like squares and circles without using control keys, or extend a line along the same trajectory.
But there’s a lot more in store for Illustrator customers beyond new shape technology.
Dynamic Symbols — Symbols can now share a master shape, but be modified to have different appearances such as stroke, fill and opacity. You can scale, rotate, mirror and skew these new dynamic symbols without having to break the link to the parent symbol.
Dynamic Symbols in Illustrator CC
For example, an apparel designer may design a new shirt that needs to be shown in a number of different colorways, or color schemes. That shirt can now be defined as a dynamic symbol, with the different color schemes applied to the various instances of the symbol. If the designer needs to update the shirt design, such as a new collar shape, the shirt symbol can be edited with the new collar design, and all instances of that shirt will be automatically updated, but maintain their unique colorways.
New SVG export option — Easily export clean, modern SVG code that is ideal for web and screen design workflows, with the option to export individual objects versus the entire artboard.
The new SVG export is perfect for web and UX designers who depend on SVG for designing scalable vector-based graphics such as icons, symbols, and logos that look great on all screens, including HiDPI displays.
Touch workspace updates — The Touch workspace for Windows touch devices adds the Shaper tool, new Live Shapes, enhanced Smart Guides, the Creative Cloud Libraries panel, and an option to easily zoom when using a mouse. The Touch workspace also delivers support for the HP Sprout platform, letting you work in detail in the Touch workspace on the Sprout touch mat while getting a full document preview on the Sprout’s vertical screen.
Illustrator CC Touch workspace
New Creative Cloud Libraries capabilities — Find content faster by searching across your Libraries and across Adobe Stock, where you can search, browse and license images and graphics directly in the Libraries panel. Import color swatches and Swatch libraries, and get support for paragraph styles as well as deeper support for character styles.
New mobile-to desktop workflows include long-requested support for Android devices, and more:
Adobe Capture CC integration — Use an iPad, iPhone or Android phone to turn any image into a production-ready asset. Extract a color theme or create a brush, shape or vector graphic, and then save the asset to your Creative Cloud Libraries to use in Illustrator. Adobe Capture combines the capabilities of Color CC, Shape CC, Brush CC and Hue CC in a single convenient app.
Adobe Illustrator Draw for Android — Create freeform vector designs on your Android phone with the Illustrator Draw app, and then send your work to Illustrator CC on your desktop to refine it further.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

IP Camera Remote Access

Remote access is often a key factor when choosing a security camera. The ability to monitor a location remotely is a huge benefit for most and is often the main reason for selecting an IP camera.

However, the act of setting up remote access can often be very confusing for non-technical users and can lead to difficulty. The process is actually very simple but does require some explanation.
Remote Access Steps:
1: Basic Camera Networking
2: Gather the right information
3: Set a static IP address
4: Setup Port Forwarding
5: Testing
6: Dynamic IP Addresses
7: Safety concerns – This is all safe… right?
8: Troubleshooting

1: Basic Camera Networking
Firstly we need to cover the basic setup of an IP camera.
A typical IP camera network setup
Most people will connect their IP camera to a standard Ethernet router alongside other computers and network devices. All devices will then gain access to the Internet through the router. There are no restrictions on outgoing data unless you set them within your router.
However the same is not true in the opposite direction. Routers contain a firewall which prevents anyone using the Internet from accessing your local network. This keeps your computer and local devices safe from attack by hackers but also means that you can’t connect to your camera.
Port forwarding (sometimes called port mapping or virtual servers) is the method which tells your router that you want to allow access from the Internet to a device on your network without allowing access to other devices.
2: Gather the right information
In order to set up port forwarding you will need to gather some network information, namely the IP address of your camera, internal IP address of your router, external IP address of your router and the port number to be used. Use the following techniques.
Internal IP address of your router and subnet mask
To access this information in Windows XP, go to the Start menu and click on “Run”. In the box that opens, enter “cmd” and click “OK”. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, click the Windows icon and in the search box enter “cmd” and press enter.
The Windows command window should now appear. Type in “ipconfig” and press enter. The computer will then churn out your network information for your computer. If you are using a wireless connection between your computer and router look for “Ethernet adaptor local Wireless connection”; if you are connected by a wire then look for “Ethernet adaptor local area connection”.
Once you have the right area, look for the default gateway. It should be something similar to If you find more than one and cannot decide which one is correct, try entering the IP address into a web browser. Whichever is the correct IP address should bring up your routers web page.
In the command window you will also see the subnet mask. Make note of this as you will need it later.
Command window
Camera port number
This is specified from within the camera’s web interface in the settings page. By default the port number should be set to 80. If you are using more than one then you need to change this but otherwise I would leave it alone. If you do want to change the port number it is best to choose a number over 8000.
For more information on ports visit our article: What is a Network Port and why do I need one?
External IP address of your router
To get the current external IP address of your router, go to Watch out though as this may change. See dynamic DNS below for details.
3: Set a static IP address
If you do not know what your camera’s IP address is you can usually find out by using the manufacturers search software. However, by default most IP cameras use DHCP to locate themselves on your network. This provides quick setup but also means that the IP address of the camera can change at any point. Once your port forwarding rule is set up, any changes in the IP address will break the rule and you will not be able to access remotely.
To prevent this, you need to set a static IP address in your camera. To do this, log into your camera and go into the network settings page. There should be an option there that says something similar to “Obtain an IP address automatically”. Un-tick this and enter a suitable IP address.
If you don’t know which IP address to use we would advise using the one that the camera is currently on. To check this, have a look at the address bar at the top of your page when logged into your camera. The address should be something similar to
In addition to your IP address you need to specify a subnet mask and default gateway. You gathered this information earlier so enter it as required.
You may also be asked to enter a primary and secondary DNS server. Unless you have been told differently by your ISP, enter the IP address of your default gateway address into the primary DNS server box. You can leave the second server blank.
Once you have all the information entered, save the changes and restart the camera. Test the IP address by typing it into a web browser once the camera has fully powered up.
4: Setting up port forwarding
Obviously we can’t go through configuration on all routers, the keyboard wouldn’t take it. However, there is a common way to set up port forwarding on all routers.
Think of the port forwarding table on your router as a phone book. When you want to know which number to call you scan through the names until you find one that matches and dial that number. In this case the router scans through the port numbers until it finds one that matches and then sends the information onto that address.
When entering a port forwarding rule you are often asked to enter the start and end ports. With the camera being on a single port just make them identical. The same goes for external ports if you are asked for them. Some will also ask you what type of traffic you want to allow, either TCP or UDP. You should allow TCP.
Be aware that sometimes you have to set up a rule in two steps. In these instances you have to create a service first which just adds a name for your ports before you specify IP address. For an example of this take a look at our HOWTO: Port forwarding a DG834 router guide.
Additionally you can have a look at website offers visual walkthroughs of most common routers. Just select your model and select the default guide for a basic walkthrough of how it is done.
5: Testing
Once the rule is created you need to test it. To access your camera remotely type http://external_ip_address:port into a web browser. Note that if you are using port 80 you can leave out the “:port” and still access your camera.
Don’t try to connect yourself. You may encounter an effect called NAT loopback. Some routers do not allow you to access a local device using the external IP address of your router and will act as if the rule is incorrect.
The best way to check that port forwarding is set up correctly is to try from a friend or relative’s computer. Alternatively you can check using a GPRS Internet connection or cell phone but be aware that these can sometimes provide inaccurate results.
6: Dynamic IP addresses
We get the same question a lot here at Network Webcams Tech HQ; Do I need a static IP address on my Internet connection? The answer in most occasions is no. Most cameras come with a dynamic DNS client which allows you to set up a unique name which will always point to your current IP address. For more information on dynamic and static IP addresses have a look at the Dynamic IP address Vs Static IP address.
7: Safety concerns – This is all safe… right?
Allowing access through my firewall? That doesn’t sound safe! Well, although you are allowing access through your firewall, you are doing so in a very controlled manner. Anyone accessing from the Internet will only have access to the devices you have set up on the port forwarding screen and even then will only be able to access on certain ports. For example, if you only allow access on port 80 you can’t access the same device on port 21.
However, because you have opened your camera up to the Internet you do need to make sure that a secure password is used. Don’t leave the default password on your camera as it really isn’t that difficult to work out which camera is being used and try the default password.
8: Troubleshooting
No matter how many times you have set up port forwarding sometimes things do go awry. Double check the settings you have entered and if necessary restart the router. If you still have problems take a look at the following areas.
Default Gateway
The default gateway is essentially the place where your camera will look to access the Internet. If this setting in your camera is missing or incorrect, the camera doesn’t know where to send Internet information to. In 99% of all network configurations the default gateway is the internal IP address of your router. To confirm this address, check the network settings by using the cmd window as shown above.
Hopping Port Forwarding
I have seen a number of occasions where people have been using more than one router on the same connection. It’s always a bad idea using more than one router per Internet connection unless you are a very advanced user. Keep things simple and it’ll be a lot easier to port forward.
If you must use more than one router then you need to set up port forwarding on each device to pass information from one router to the next. This is very tricky and should only be used as a last resort.
Satellite links / ISP blocking
There are ISPs out there that block remote access on certain ports. It’s very common on GPRS and satellite links and will often prevent access from the Internet completely. If you have a lot of trouble accessing it’s a good idea to give the ISP a call to confirm with them what you are doing is possible. Sometimes a change of port number to something other than 80 can sort things out.
NAT Loopback
A very common fault is encountered when people try to use the external IP address of the router to access their camera while accessing through the same router. This is often not possible due to NAT loopback.
NAT loopback happens when you try to access a local device using the external IP address or domain name. Some routers allow you to do this and some don’t. Check the user manual for your router as it should give you some indication. If Loopback isn’t supported then it will appear as if the system isn’t working.
The best way to check that the port forwarding is working correctly is to view from an external network such as one belonging to a friend or relative, or to use a GPRS connection or mobile phone web browser.
You should now have the information to configure and troubleshoot any port forwarding scenario. If you have any comments please leave them below.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Tally ERP 9.0 Shortcuts


1. General Shortcuts
Duplicate Voucher
Add voucher / To Alter the column in columnar report
Create a master at a voucher screen (if it has not been already assigned a different function, as in reports like Balance Sheet, wh
Delete a voucher To delete Accounting or Inventory master which is not used by any voucher or elsewhere in the alteration mode. To
Export the report in ASCII, HTML OR XML format
Insert a voucher / To toggle between Item and Accounting invoice
To view the report in automatic columns (Multiple Columns at all reports, Trial Balance, Cash/bank books, Group Summary & Journal Reg
Print the report
Remove a line in a report
Bring back a line you removed using Alt+R
Retrieve the last line which is deleted using Alt+R
To view the Tally Web browser.
Cancel a voucher in Day Book/List of Vouchers
Register Tally
Accept a form – wherever you use this key combination, that screen or report gets accepted as it is.
Check the Company Statutory details
Select Group
Import statutory masters
Abandon a form – wherever you use this key combination, it quits that screen without making any changes to it.
Rewrite data for a Company
Help Shortcut
Maintain Date for Multiple Years by changing period on Gateway of Tally / Change of Period for Setting Period
Switches to Main Area of Tally Screen
Switches to Calculator / ODBC Section of Tally Screen
Recalls the last narration saved for the first ledger in the voucher, irrespective of the voucher type
Repeat narration in the same voucher type irrespective of Ledger Account
Mark any voucher as Post Dated Voucher
Delete any voucher in Day Book/ Deleting
To upload the report to the webe
Email the report
Close a Company (At All Menu Screens). View detailed Report (Report Screens). Explore a line into its details (At Almost all Screens)
Select the company info menu (At Gateway of Tally Screen). Create/ alter / shut a company (At Gateway of Tally Screen)
View sales and purchase register summary on a quarterly basis
View the filters screen where the range of information can be specified
Copy the text from Tally (At creation and alternation screens)
To paste the text from Tally (At creation and alternation screens)
To view the next level of details and / or condense the next level of details
Change the date
Contra Voucher (All voucher creation and alteration screens). View list of Groups (Reports groups summary, group voucher screen, cash/ bank summary)
Select Payment Voucher. Switch between Grouped and Ledger-wise Display
Select Receipt Voucher
Select Journal Voucher
Select Sales Voucher
Select Purchase Voucher
Select Debit Note Voucher
Navigate between Accounting Reports
Modify Company features specific to current company only
Master Configurations, which will affect all companies in same data directory.
Mark a voucher as Optional or Regular
minus2. Inventory Vouchers
Purchase Order Voucher
Sales Order Voucher
Rejection In
Stock Journal / Manufacturing Journal
Delivery Note
Receipt Note
Physical Stock
Clear entry

How will biometrics affect our privacy?

We've all seen movies in which a character has a retinal scan to prove his or her identity before walking into a top-secret installation. That's an example of a biometric system. In general, biometrics is a collection of measures of human physiology and behavior. A biometric system could scan a person's fingerprint or analyze the way he or she types on a keyboard. The purpose of most biometric systems is to authenticate a person's claimed identity.

Computer Accessories Image Gallery
Fingerprint scanners are a popular type of biometric system.

Biometrics tend to be more convenient than other methods of identity authentication. You might forget your ID at home when you head out the door, but you'll still be able to use biometric devices. Imagine verifying your identity while at the store by swiping your finger across a sensor.

But along with convenience and security comes a concern for privacy. For biometrics to work, there needs to be a database containing the relevant information for each individual authorized by the system. For example, at that top-secret installation, every employee's biometric signature would have to be recorded so that the scanners could verify each person's identity.

This might not present much of a problem on its own. If the only data the system stores relates to the actual biometric measurements, privacy violations are at a minimum. But by their very nature, biometric systems collect more information than just the users' fingerprints, retinal patterns or other biometric data. At a basic level, most systems will record when and where a person is at the time of a scan.

I Recognize That Face

You might think of fingerprint or retinal scanners when you hear the word biometrics, but the term has a broader definition. Facial recognition technology falls into the biometric category. There are already several cameras on the market that can detect faces. A few are able to recognize and remember a group of faces. You just take a picture of a friend, tag the photo and the camera will automatically tag any future photos of that friend. It's both cool and creepy.


Biometric systems with cameras may use facial recognition software or study the way you move to identify you.

Imagine using this technology in public places to identify the people passing through. For example, a major city might install cameras at high-traffic areas to scan for terrorists or identify criminals. While the motivation for using that technology might be pure, it creates difficult privacy issues. The city would have a record of everyone who passed through that neighborhood. The technology treats everyone as a suspect as if it's only a matter of time before each of us commits a crime.
And what happens if the technology makes a mistake and misidentifies someone? Weather conditions, clothing, hairstyles and even the cleanliness of the lens could affect the ability of the camera to identify people. Critics might ask: Why install a system that's unreliable?

What happens if a person suffers an illness or injury that changes his or her appearance? Such a change could present problems with biometrics. Adjusting the biometric system to accommodate the change could also result in a violation of the user's privacy. The system administrator now knows more details about the user.
A society with pervasive biometric systems would make anonymity a virtual impossibility. Should that society become oppressive or otherwise abusive to the population, the citizens would have few opportunities to react without revealing their own identities.
Groups like the Biometrics Institute are aware of privacy concerns and strive to create processes to limit the chance for biometric applications to violate a person's privacy. Other groups advocate that companies, governments and other organizations conduct a privacy assessment before installing a biometric system. With vigilance and caution, we may find a way to incorporate biometrics into our lives and still maintain our privacy.

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