Thursday 12 March 2015

6 Important Parts of a Profitable Lead Generation Campaign

profitable lead generation
Pave the way for a profitable business by tapping into the more than 2.5 billion people in the Internet though effective Lead Generation campaigns. Just a mere fraction of this immensely huge market is enough to drive endless streams of highly targeted traffic right into your business – eventually converting themselves in very valuable leads, subscribers or even sales. The key to success however lies in how effective and profitable your lead generation campaign is.
Digital Marketing Philippines (DMP) try to remove the guesswork on how to start and conduct an effective lead generation campaign by providing to you in greater detail the six important parts of a lead generation campaign that is effective, results-driven and profitable. So, sit back and relax and enjoy this wonderful and exciting ride towards increasing sales and revenues with a profitable lead generation campaign.
The infographic (click to zoom):
6 Important Parts of a Profitable Lead Generation Campaign
1. Full Marketing Strategy
Marketing teams from all over the world will spend over $135 billion this year on Digital Marketing. By 2015, 25% of the entire advertising market will be conducted through the Internet. DMP says that if you want to run like the big boys, then be ready to bring out the big guns. For a profitable lead generation campaign to take place, you need to make use of a full marketing strategy of reaching out to highly targeted audiences and potential customers.
Setting up a full Internet marketing strategy is straightforward. You need to make use of highly effective and proven marketing techniques that deliver profitable results and you can start with this following guide:
  1. Identify your target market (demographic, age bracket, gender, interest, etc).
  2. Identify your USP and what you can uniquely offer to the market.
  3. Identify the main goals and objectives for the campaign.
  4. Determine the best digital marketing channels where you can find your most targeted audience.
  5. Determine what you can offer to your audience to get them converted into a lead. The most popular offers are: freemium e-books or softwares, exclusive newsletters, limited time access to a paid service, trial offers and more.
2. Landing Page Optimization
For effective lead generation, you should direct your targeted visitors to an optimized landing page before your main website. Landing pages are designed specifically to make visitors make the ultimate action – conversion. Optimized landing pages already brought superb results for several companies, including 300% conversion rates increases for Dell, 264% for Marian University, 144% for another marketing solutions company and 291% ROI – equivalent to $100,000 savings per year – for Axway. And that’s just skimming the surface!
3. Traffic Generation
Once you finalized your full marketing strategy, you offer and landing page. The next step is to harness the power of new media multi-channels for generating highly targeted traffic to your page. These channels include:
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Undoubtedly, SEO is still the primary source of website traffic. In fact, 93% of online experiences by targeted users begin with search engines, with organic search results made through Google getting 33% of all traffic. 59% Consumers look for a local business each month using Google, making SEO a very powerful tool for generating high quality targeted leads that have a 14.6% chance of closing a deal (compared to the dismal 1.7% close rate for mail or print advertising).
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising –PPC advertising comes in at a powerful second for drawing in highly targeted audiences who may be highly interested in what you can offer. These people who are actively looking for products or services have 64% chances of clicking on an ad or sponsored results. Ads and sponsored listing get seen first by online users, making them highly effective in generating targeted leads.
  • Social Media Marketing – This is a very powerful marketing tool that has the potential of tapping into a huge market of 1.8 billion social network users, 1.184 billion Facebook users, with 135 million users added each year. Social media is even invading the mobile Internet market, with 91% of mobile Internet users accessing the web through their smartphones, tablets and other devices primarily to socialize.
  • Content Marketing9 out of 10 digital marketers in the B2B arena make use of content marketing for their businesses. This is because 80% of decision makers will choose or prefer various forms of online content for learning about a brand or a business instead of relying on outright advertisements. 50% of companies already have some form of content marketing strategy, which is believed to be the future of marketing according to 78% of CMOs. Visual content like Infographics are also fast gaining popularity and will be used by at least 51% of B2B marketers this year.
4. Split Testing
Testing and evaluating which particular lead generation method will work and which ones will bring out the best results is key to profitable digital marketing success. A/B split is one of the most effective and used by at least 44% of companies. Split testing will help you identify the success rate of each of the variations you apply to your lead generation process, so you can identify which ones you will use for the long run. This is what Barack Obama’s campaign analytics team did that enabled to them to raise $60 million for the US President’s campaign funds.
5. AD Budget Optimization
Online advertising generated up to $42.8 billion in revenues last year. That’s almost 3 billion more than what broadcast TV generated during the same period – the first in history. This is a clear indication of the waning popularity of traditional media advertising and the waxing prowess of online advertising. 46% of this came from search advertising which is close to figures of up to $18.4 billion.
That’s big money, but business still do it because of the cost-effective online advertising brings. Since there’s considerable costs involved, business owners and digital marketers need to optimize their ad budgets. This way, they can get rid of unnecessary expenses, and get optimum lead generation results from all their advertising investments.
6. Data Analysis
Successful businesses reached their pinnacle because of continuous improvement and optimization. Digital marketers who do the same get more favorable conversion rate results than those who never optimize. Data analysis is an integral part of optimization, and 60% of digital marketers carefully analyze customer data in a bid to improve their lead generation conversion rates. Ironically, only 52% of business owners who have landing page actually test and perform data analysis to improve lead generation performance – so don’t let yourselves be included in this list.
Lead generation is the backbone of an effective digital marketing campaign for your business. Without continuous flow of fresh leads, your business will have difficulty surviving and thriving in today’s competitive arena. Optimizing your lead generation efforts is key to getting favorable results, and focusing your optimization efforts on these six very important parts will make your lead generation campaign deliver better – and more profitable – results.

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