Friday 22 August 2014

How to Make Your Facebook Marketing Work for B2B

How to Make Your Facebook Marketing Work for B2B

#1: Understand Your Audience

It’s important to recognize that your audience on Facebook may not be the same as your audience on LinkedIn.
Knowing your audience—what resonates with them and what their expectations are—is always your first step to success. When you know what your audience wants, you can give it to them (without guessing).
So how do you find out who your Facebook audience isUse the tools available to you and look at the dataCheck Facebook Insights, Google Analytics and even your own database to get a clear picture of your audience.
Facebook Insights tracks how your audience engages with your page. You can trace their preferences, see how your audience demographic compares to Facebook as a whole or track which user segments you’re reaching and engaging with most often.
demographics of likes versus engagement
Facebook Insights offers a range of audience data.
If you’re using Google Analytics, I recommend upgrading to Universal Analytics so you can use the affinity categories data. This data tells you what interests your audience interacts with most and you can respond accordingly by providing relevant content, launching targeted ads, etc.
universal anaytics
Inside Google Analytics click on Admin to upgrade to Universal Analytics.
The best data of all, though, is the data you already have. Your customer database can tell you a lot about your customers in terms of what they buy, the services they use and more (all depending on your business and how up to date your database is, of course).
Once you’ve got your audience data together, create personas that reflect your ideal audience members. What kind of problems do they need to solve? What content is most interesting to them in an informal atmosphere? What content can you provide to help them grow relationships?
Developing these personas really helps you focus as you define the Facebook audience you want to engage.

#2: Create and Curate Thoughtful Content

Your tone, the type of content you share and even the way you target advertising will be different on Facebook. It’s a balancing act to provide content that’s both business-related and interesting enough for your audience to engage with.
The key is to avoid the hard sell on your page. Don’t try to convert fans into leads or sales immediately. Instead, create and curate a healthy mix of content that takes your users on a journey with your brand over time.
The New York Times‘ study The Psychology of Sharing found that people share content they perceive as valuable. That value could be marketing for a cause, providing entertainment or nurturing relationships.
b2b customer facebook post
ShortStack posts links to other resources their customers will find useful.
Anything that helps your audience define themselves for their own audience (whether that’s friends, family or colleagues) is appealing. In other words, your B2B audience is probably trying to promote themselves as experts and will share content that helps them achieve that goal.
When you understand how your B2B audience reacts to content on Facebook, you can start creating content they want to share—the kind of content that lets them reinforce their own interests and expertise.

#3: Publish Updates on Your Audience’s Schedule

An important tactic for increasing the performance of your B2B Facebook page is tothink about when you’re publishing content. It may seem obvious, but many pages miss this opportunity.
Facebook Insights shows you when your fans are online. It makes sense to post updates when your fans are most likely to be on Facebook, right?
facebook fans online graph
Posting when your fans are most likely to see it boosts engagement.
Timing isn’t everything, though. If your content isn’t great, no one will engage with it, no matter when you post it. Be sure to look at the big picture when planning your content and timing.
Use Insights to track post time, type (e.g., text, link or image) and engagement. When you’re just getting started, look at what’s worked for you in the past month. Going forward, export your Insights data to an Excel spreadsheet and track topic and engagement trends over several months to fine-tune your content.
In my experience, B2B pages tend to get the best engagement rates from 12:30pm-2:00pm and 4:00pm-6:00pm—the times when people are either on lunch break at work or are starting to wind down at the end of the day.
Those times aren’t a hard-and-fast rule, but they give you an idea of where to start. Your data and time will likely vary based on your company, content and audience.

#4: Target Your Advertising

Whether you’re trying to increase page likes, send traffic to your website or boost your reach, the goal of any advertising campaign is to attract the right people whilemaximizing your ROI.

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