Thursday 28 November 2013

Dear All Faculties
"Good News to All"

This is inform you that we are inviting all the stream faculties to come and join this blog for sharing of your expert knowledge,experience,doubts and queries with other team members across the centres.

This initiative will connect you all with vast knowledge in the global IT and new happenings happen in every day to day things.

It is compulsory for all team members to joint it and comment with your doubts,queries thoughts and comments everyday.

URL address to connect with Blog:

How to join in Saintangelos Professional Education Blog:
1. Simply login on your web browser with above URL address.
2. Click on Sign in button on the right side at the top corner.
3. Sign up with your saintangelos email user account and password credential to connect in sapetech blog.
4. Now you can post your queries or comment through post.

In case of any query feel to email me or post your comment too.

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