Monday 8 October 2018

How to set root password in wampp localhost using phpMyAdmin

In this post we are going to see how to set password in phpmyadmin i.e when any user opens phpmyadmin of your local pc then phpmyadmin should ask for enter login credentials to see databases and table.

So, to configure phpmyadmin follow the steps below:

Step 1: open your phpmyadmin  http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ click on Users

Installing-and-configuring-wamp-server-phpmyadmin-1.jpg (695×211)

Step 2: After this you will see some users are already configured in phpmyadmin where you have to click on edit privileges link of highlighted all three users i.e., ::1, localhost

Installing-and-configuring-wamp-server-phpmyadmin-2.jpg (587×257)

Step 3: On each edit privileges click you will below page where you have to set same password for all three users which you want after each changes click on "Go" button

Installing-and-configuring-wamp-server-phpmyadmin-3.jpg (646×310)

Step 4: After password setting of these three users just try to refresh your phpmyadmin dashboard, you will get "access denied" error as given in below image.

Error #1045 – Access denied for user ‘root’@’locahost’ (using password: YES)

Step 5: By resolving this error we are ends up with our root password setting of your wampp phpmyadmin for resolving this open the "" file found inC:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin4.1.x and look for /* Authentication type */ around line 28.

Set your password for the root account by entering it between the single quotes ‘ ‘ in the following line: 

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'mypassword';

Installing-and-configuring-wamp-server-phpmyadmin-config.inc_.jpg (495×102)

Replace mypassword with your own password which you are configured in phpmyadmin
or for other option just comment
//$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
& uncomment
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; 
Step 6: You are done with your setting for checking just open phpmyadmin in browser by following url: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

You will see your phpmyadmin first page ask for username, password to enter in the phpmyadmin as below image

SYKml.png (400×483)
So, If you are having any query and doubt regarding this configuration then you can ask in comments.  
Thank you !! 

Saturday 6 October 2018

Set Automatic Start Xampp control panel on windows startup

                        If you want to start your xampp automatically when your system starts to avoid the start xampp control panel manually for php project. then you have an idea about how the other system software gets start in background i.e by your window startup folder application setting. where we have to just put our required software .exe shortcut file in that folder and when you click to switch on the computer it goes and check that which softwares are have to start automatically from the startup folder setting.

Here just take a look to how to setup application shortcut to run on window startup:  

Step 1 

Open xampp control panel  from start menu

Step 2

In the XAMPP Control Panel, click in the  Config button on top right corner above the Netstat button. 

Step 3

Wait for a separate window to open. Review the Autostart of modules section. Check the checkboxes for Apache and MySQL. Click Save and close the XAMPP Control Panel.

After saving the setting if start xampp control panel manually after system start you need not click start button to start the apache and mysql service by this setting your autostart module service automatically start on manual xampp control panel start. 

But we are seeking idea for automatic start of xampp on windows start so follow further steps :

Step 4

Open the Windows Start Menu. Click on All Programs. Locate the Startup folder. Right Click on the Startup folder and click Open
But in some cases its quit difficult to locate startup folder in windows so you go for manual option to locate startup folder in windows
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup  

Step 5

After locating startup folder just drag and drop your software sortcut file in the startup folder or copy shortcut file and paste in the start up folder.
So locate your xampp shortcut file you have to make shorcut file by right click on xampp-control.exe 
open xampp folder by locating this path C:\xampp then right click and make shorcut file of application file
after creating shortcut file you will get this type of file
And at the end copy this file or drag file to drop in your startup folder and for checking its working or not shutdown your pc and after a while switch on the pc check on bottm right corner your xampp start automatically.
After all set you can directly run your php project on browser after pc starting.

For more details and queries you can ask in the comments or you can mail on /

Thank You

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